Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/509

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

to contemplate and pray.

sîen ūi pun i kâi tăi-chîn;
resigned the throne to one of his courtiers.
  • sĭen7536413
  • To act as one pleases; to take the responsibility of doing without orders; willful; illegally; arbitrarily; to usurp, to assume; despotic.
mih sṳ̄ m̄ káⁿ sĭen-cwn;
would not venture to act unauthorized.
i chṳ́-căi tó̤ sĭen khŵn;
lie now usurps authority.
i cò̤-nî káⁿ sĭen-cṳ̆ thiah huang?
How dare he take the responsibility of opening the envelope without orders?
  • sĭen752309
  • Good from principle; virtuous; merit from good works, such as the Buddhists teach; goodness; eminent; wise; meek.
fitted for; clever.
expert, handy;
to take to naturally; in a high degree; to do a thing well; to expedite.
sĭen ak kàu thâu cong ŭ pò̤;
good and evil have always in the end a meet recompense.
kîaⁿ sĭen;
act righteously.
sĭen sṳ̆;
virtuous actions.
sĭen huap;
a clever scheme; a good rule.
sĭen cong;
a peaceful end.
sĭen ŭ sĭen pò̤, ak ŭ ak po;
virtue is well rewarded, and vice is suitably punished.
mīn-sek m̄ sĭen;
his face has a bad expression.
i sĭen cáu;
he is an expert runner.
ngŭi-sĭen kâi nâng;
a hypocrite.
m̄ sĭ cin sĭen;
is not real goodness.
ké sĭen;
pretended virtue.
sèⁿ pńg lâi sî sĭen;
disposition is naturally docile.
i sĭm sĭ sĭen ĕng nâng;
he is naturally very apt at it.
kói ak, chông sĭen;
depart from evil and do good.
siu sĭen kâi nâng;
one who cultivates virtue.
sĭen-ău-kêk sĭ phōiⁿ-lí sĭen-ău kâi sṳ̄-ngî kâi;
a subsidiary committee takes the management of what is left to be attended to after the work of a previous committee is completed.
sĭen sim;
a meek spirit.
hŵn-lío būe cĭn sĭen;
has not yet attained the utmost excellence.
  • sĭen75319512
  • Small fresh water eels.
pêh sĭen;
white eels.
bé-uaⁿ sĭen;
slices of fried eel.
  • sĭen75212012
  • To transcribe or write out with care.
sĭen-sía phîn-tìeⁿ;
engross the facing of a semicircular screen.
i cwn tó̤ sĭen-sía cṳ-sìn;
he makes a business of copying out dispatches.
  • sĭen7381308
  • The kidneys.
tṳ sĭen-cí;
the kidneys of swine.
sĭne-cí īeⁿ;
kidney shaped.
có̤ sĭen, ĭu sĭen;
the left and the right kidney.
pó sĭen;
strengthen the kidneys.
  • sĭen75213012
  • Viands; rich fare; delicacies.
i kâi cṳ-ce sĭ chŵn keng-sĭen, a sĭ pùaⁿ keng-sĭen?
In this school is the teacher's food furnish wholly by the pupils, or only in part?
i ŭ keng-sĭen;
he has his provisions furnished.
  • sĭen75111312
  • To resign the throne.
i sĭen ūi khṳt i kâi tăi chîn;
he resigned the throne to his noble relative.
soiⁿ sĭen ūi khṳt i kâi kíaⁿ;
abdicated in favor of his son.


  • siet79814511
  • To treat irreverently.
to profane.
m̆-hó siet-tôk tîeh sîn-mêng;
do not blaspheme the gods.
siet-tôk tîeh i;
treated him shamefully.
  • siet7501494
  • To institute; to establish; to set up; if; supposing; for instance.
cí kâi kui-kṳ́ sĭ i siet-lîp kâi;
this custom is one that he established.
cía sĭ sin siet-lîp kâi huap-tō;
this is a newly established regulation.
siet huap;
devise means.
siet sîah;
make a feast.
siet-sái i ā sĭ soiⁿ cai cū míen tàⁿ;
supposing that he knows it beforehand, then you need not tell him.
siet tìeⁿ; siet kà;
open a school.
cêk koiⁿ pái-siet kàu chî-chî céng-céng;
the whole place is made very luxurious.
siet-jîak ŭ put-chek kâi sṳ̄ li lṳ́ cū hó̤ cú-ì kîaⁿ;
should any unforeseen thing happen, then do whatever you yourself think best.
cá sî tŏ̤ cí kò̤ siet ŭ sìn-tī;
a station for guards was early established here.
chin-chĭeⁿ thien cău tī siet kâi;
as if made by nature herself.


  • sih252726
  • To flash; to quiver.
to glitter; to shimmer; to shiver.
to flash.
iap-cē-sih cū bô̤ khṳ̀;
flashed once and then disappeared.
  • sîh7671429
  • To consume away; to incroach upon; to eat into.
jît sîh, gûeh sîh;
eclipses of the sun and of the moon.
i kâi seng-lí sîh pńg;
he loses capital in his busines.
hùe kè sîh se-su;
lost a little on the cost of the goods.
thàng, sîh;
profit and loss.
tăi sîh; tōa sîh;
made great in loads on the original amount.
sîh pńg;
has lost money in the transaction.


  • sim806610
  • The heart; the centre; the middle; the mind or understanding; the will, intention, motive; the affections; desire; origin, source.