Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/516

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

to do with him.

i kâi kíaⁿ, tōa kâi cū hàn-sŭn, jī kâi cū put-sìo;
of his sons, the eldest is filial, and the next to the eldest is unfilial.
  • sìo746421
  • Young; juvenile; junior.
hŵn-lío sìo nî;
he is still very young.
sìo nî ke;
a young family.
sìo nî lău sêng;
a young man with the wisdom of age.
lău sìo;
old and young.
sìo îa;
the young master.
sìo nái;
the young mistress.
  • sìo7776611
  • To enumerate; to count; deal out; to find out the number; an account, a bill; a list.
sìo thóiⁿ jîeh cōi;
count them and see how many there are.
sìo tāⁿ;
make a mistake in counting.
cài sìo ke hûe;
count them over again.
lêng-ūaⁿ sìo;
count again.
to reckon; to calculate.
sìo phŏ;
an account book.
kìⁿ sìo; chĭeⁿ sìo; lô̤h sìu;
set down in account.
pîaⁿ sìo;
transfer an account.
chau sìo;
copy out an account.
tùi sìo;
compare accounts in order to verify them.
hŭe sìo;
transfer a bill in payment of a debt.
khìam sìo;
unsettled balance.
thó̤ sìo;
dun for the amount of a bill.
hâiⁿ sìo;
to pay bills.
hok sìo;
verify an account by again calculating it.
bô̤ sìo;
there is no account to be reckoned.
siu sìo;
to collect bills.
cheng sìo;
to clear off an account.
sìo m̄ tîeh i;
did not reckon him in.
o̤h sìo;
difficult to determine.
sìo-búe ap cheng;
the balance is paid in full.
i tó̤ kẃn sìo;
he keeps the accounts.
lí sìo-bâk;
regulate the accounts.
sìo pâng;
counting room.
thien kang tīaⁿ sìo;
fixed as fate; exact as the cycle.
thien sìo íⁿ tīaⁿ;
destiny is fixed.
tăi sìo lâng tô̤;
destiny cannot be escaped.
seⁿ sí ŭ sìo;
life and death are as fate determines.
  • 蛸蟰sìo-cîⁿ794
  • The long legged spider.
sìo-cîⁿ, si li ŭ si, bŏi kio ti-tu hìeⁿ-seⁿ keⁿ kâi;
the shepherd spider has a web indeed, but it is not woven like that of the house spider.
  • sĭo7951303
  • Like; resembling; likeness.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ sĭo a m̄ sĭo;
do you think the likeness good?
thóiⁿ tîeh sĭo căi;
it is very like him.
sĭo kàu jīn m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
so much alike one cannot tell them apart.
àiⁿ ūe kàu câp hun sĭo tîeh ŭ hó̤-hó̤ kâi kang;
if you want an exact likeness drawn you must have an expert workman.
úa thóiⁿ tîeh li bô̤ mih sĭo;
it does not look much like him.
bŏ̤i ā, ŭ kúi sîaⁿ sĭo;
yes, it does, it is somewhat like.


  • sioh7556410
  • To whiz.
sioh-sioh-kìe, lí-kẃn sīa;
the whizzing of arrows continuously shot.
cìaⁿ thiaⁿ-kiⁿ sioh-cē-kìe cìⁿ to kàu lío;
just as I heard the whiz, the arrow struck.
  • sioh8201733
  • Colorless; whitish; a faded look.
pêh-sioh pêh-sĭoh;
pale, colorless.
mīn pêh-sioh, bô̤ hueh sek;
face wan and pallid.


  • sip7708514
  • Damp; to dampen.
sip cúi kâi hùe-mueh;
goods that have been damaged by water.
huang sip;
sip khi;
damp exhalations.
sip jîet;
damp and hot.
hâng sip;
cold and damp.
thong sin seⁿ sip;
his whole body is moist.
cí kò̤ thô sĭ sip căi;
the soil here is very wet.
nĕ sip-sip;
exceedingly damp.
sip tâm;
khîeh khṳ̀ sip cúi, sip tâm cē;
take it and dampen it with water, till it is quite wet.
im sip;
dampness gathered under cover.
cang cúi sip i mài khah kang;
dampen it so it will not be too dry.
  • sip803616
  • To respire; to breathe.
khùi sip;
mông tîeh i hŵn ŭ khùi-sip;
discovered by laying the hand on his chest that he still breathed.
i kâi khùi-sip sĭ ŏi cho-tōa;
his breathing is labored.
nâng cē peh-cíeⁿ suaⁿ khùi-sip cū kíu;
when peo- ple climb hills their respiration becomes rapid.
  • sip8201733
  • Frosty; snowy; white.
to̤ bûa kàu sip-sip-pêh;
scour the knives till they glitter.
thâu-mô̤ⁿ li sip-sip-pêh, mīn li tong-tong-âng;
frosty white hair and a rosy face.
i thóiⁿ-kìⁿ ngṳ̂n sip-sip-pêh cū tŏng sim;
when he saw the shining silver, his emotions were roused.
  • sîp293619
  • To irritate; to aggravate.
úa thàu lṳ́ m̄ hó̤ khṳ̀ sip i;
I told you not to go and irritate them.
cía sĭ khṳ̀ sîp tîeh hóⁿ-thâu-phang;
this is stirring up a hornet.
  • sîp768646
  • To collect; to gather up; to to clear away; to arrange.
to put in order.
to store up; to gather together.
siu-sîp khí;
collect and put away.
gather up.
siu-sîp chut mn̂g;
put one's things together preparatory to going on a visit.
  • sîp80514516
  • To inherit; hereditary; descending in a family; to steal into; to invade; to make a foray.