Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/518

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

how to do; to chasten; to examine and school.

to repair; to fit up.
to set in order.
siu-sîp pīn-pīn;
all is in readiness.
to fit up; to regulate.
to beautify.
to mend up.
siu sĭen;
practise virtue.
siu kong;
to do good, to do meritorious deeds.
siu hĕng;
practise ascetic austerities.
siu cêk huang cṳ;
to elaborately prepare a letter.
siu sim;
to school the feelings.
cí kâi nâng siu sim căi;
this person has a well ordered mind.
sok siu; siu kim;
teacher's wages.
sok siu ngṳ̂n cêng sàng a būe?
Has his schooling been paid for yet?
  • siu754662
  • To receive, as when one goes to get a thing or when it is one's due; to gather, to harvest; to insnare, to involve; to bind, to restrain; to conclude, to

bring to an end; to remove; to close or wind up, as business; annoyed or moved by, in which sense it sometimes merely gives the passive form to another verb.

pûaⁿ úaⁿ siu tīo;
clear off the table.
siu khí;
gather up and put away.
siu jîp lâi;
gather in.
siu ngṳ̂n, sîu cîⁿ;
collect money from debtors; take in coin.
sìn-mīn tèng sĭ sía móng nâng siu thiah;
the direction on the letter was that a certain person should receive and open it.
siu cûn-kui;
collect the boat-fares.
siu-hó̤k nâng sim;
win people's hearts.
cêng siu-kuah a būe?
Is your harvest gathered yet?
siu khang-khùe;
take in work.
a receipt for money or goods.
siu cheng-chó̤ lío;
have received the amount in full.
siu tit khí a siu m̄ khí?
Can you collect what is due, or not?
make ready, by getting things together; to set to rights.
táng lâi siu-sîp i;
will give him a whipping presently.
úa lâi siu-sîp lṳ́!
I'll pay you off for that!
ŭ siu sêng a bô̤?
Has he received that portion of the crop which is his rent for the land?
siu piaⁿ hûe îaⁿ;
recall the troops into the camp.
collect and put away.
siu-bói kó-tóng;
make collections of curiosities.
siu m̄ bûa;
cannot get them together.
siu bûa;
collect together.
hó̤ lai, hàm i lâi siu saⁿ;
it is about to rain, tell her to bring in the clothes.
khṳ̀ kàu, i m̄ siu;
on carrying it to him, he declined to accept it.
siu cêk īeⁿ cò̤ ì-sù tīaⁿ;
accept one out of the various things presented, as a token of good will merely.
siu tūi;
collect in companies.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ siu khim;
heard the call to retreat.
siu cêk kâi ngĭ kíaⁿ;
take a son by adoption.
siu kâi chiah-kha;
take a concubine.
siu cò̤ cêk ē;
gather up.
siu lô̤h cûn;
take and put into the boat.
  • siu775757
  • A coarse comb, with one row of teeth; to comb.
khîeh siu lâi siu thâu-mô̤ⁿ;
get a comb and comb your hair.
àiⁿ lûah tîeh ēng siu-kíaⁿ;
for smoothing the hair you must use a small comb.
siu khí;
the teeth of a comb.
siu pù;
the back of the comb.
siu thâu âp;
a dressing case.
siu cuang, tá pàng;
make the toilet.
  • siu8101235
  • Savory food; to feel ashamed; to blush; bashful.
i sim lăi siu-khŭi;
he is ashamed of it.
thiaⁿ tîeh ham siu ham-siu nē;
on hearing it, she tamed very red.
ham-siu jím jôk;
blushed at the insult.
só̤ cîah sĭ tien-siu peh-bī;
lives on delicate viands.
  • siu756296
  • To accept; to receive.
m̄ káⁿ siu;
would not be so presumptuous as to accept it.
siu ke cêk tùi;
do accept a couple more.
khṳ̀ kàu i chŵn siu;
on arriving, he accepted the whole.
cò̤ cē siu;
accepted all of them.
  • síu7561850
  • The head; a chief, a leader; the heads of a subject; foremost; the beginning, the origin; to manifest; to display; sorts, kinds; a classifier of stanzas.
i cò̤ cêk síu sĭ;
he composed a poem.
phoi-síu; páng-síu; ùaⁿ-síu;
the first on the list of those who have taken the degree of Bachelor of Arts at an examination.
tŭn síu pài;
bow the head in respect.
síu búe siang kù;
look after both ends; we must consider its whole course.
i khṳ̀ kuaⁿ tèng chut síu;
he went and turned state's evidence.
síu kūiⁿ;
the leading district.
hun-pîet síu cŏng;
discriminate between leaders and followers.
ûi síu;
act as leader.
tī-tîang cò̤ hŭe síu?
Who is the leader of the band?
  • síu49505
  • A broom; a besom of twigs.
sàn-síu pèⁿ;
a broom-handle.
sàu-síu thâu;
the brush of a broom.
khîeh ki sàu-síu khṳ̀ sàu;
take a broom and go and sweep.
tōa thih sàu-síu;
a large iron broom, a bad omen for a woman.
  • síu755403
  • To keep, to hold in order to guard, to have in custody; to keep vigils; to supervise; to maintain; to go on a round of inspection; a charge.
síu kàu kín-kín;
keep very close watch over.
i tŏ̤ ke tèng síu hà;
he is at home in mourning for a parent.
i àiⁿ nā kò̤ⁿ síu-cak;
she wishes to stay in her husband's family, and remain his widow.
i tó̤ cò̤ síu-pĭ;
he is acting as major.
nâng tîeh síu pńg-hūn;
people should mind