Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/52

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

climbed to the fifth storey.

tû àiⁿ kêh cò̤ kúi câng?
How many shelves will you have put into the cupboard?
pàng tŏ̤ tŏiⁿ saⁿ câng;
put it on the third shelf.
thui-keh jîeh cōi câng?
How many steps are there in the stairs?
hṳ̂ kâi thah tŏ̤ cí ĕ kàu hṳ́ téng ŭ nŏ̤ peh gūa keh tâh-pō-câng;
that pagoda has over two hundred steps in its stairway.
  • câng540858
  • To drench by pouring from above.
pun hŏ câng kàu cêk sin;
drenched by the rain.
take shower baths.
tîeh cai thóiⁿ, m̄ hó̤ câng tîeh nâng;
must look out that you do not souse people with it when pouring it down.
  • căng94913018
  • The parenchymatous viscera.
ngŏ-căng lâk-hú;
all the internal organs of a body.
hùi, sim, pî, kuaⁿ, sĭen, cía sí kìe-cò̤ ngŏ căng; tăi-chîang, sío-chîang, ūi, táⁿ, phâng-kuang, sim-pau-lôk, cía sĭ kìe-cò̤ lâk hú;
the lungs, heart, spleen, liver and kidneys are called the five viscera; the large and small intestines, the stomach, the gall, the bladder, and the heart-case are called the membraneous viscera.
căng hú siang phùe;
the two sorts of viscera are the complement each of the other.
  • căng9524412
  • A terrace.
suaⁿ-sîa cêk căng cêk căng;
the slope of the hill is terraced.
ngŏ căng lâu;
a building with five diminishing storeys.
cêk căng cêk căng nâng-mûeh cōi căi;
there are a great many people in this crowd, standing so that their heads appear in ascending and receding tiers.
  • cāng95115412
  • To present; to bestow upon; to make a parting gift.
kàu cāng;
to present to.
hŏng cāng;
respectfully offer as a gift.
lī cāng ang jîn;
promoted according to rule.
cāng chùi, bô̤ cāng cîⁿ;
give promises instead of the cash.
úa cāng i cêk peh ngṳ̂n cò̤ lō hùi;
I gave him a hundred dollars for his travelling expenses.
hĕng tit ŭ móng nâng tó̤ cāng chùi, sṳ̄ cìaⁿ sêng;
could a certain person be had as negotiator, the business would be done.
cāng-sàng îeh-îⁿ;
gave a parting gift of medicinal pills.
cāng kè cng;
make wedding presents.
cāng lṳ́ bōi;
let you have it at no profit to myself.
bô̤ mûeh hó̤ cāng lṳ́;
I have nothing to give you as a souvenir.
hó̤ tit lṳ́ cāng úa cêk pì cṳ lak;
I wish you would give me a helping hand for a moment.


  • cap67852
  • Juice; gravy.
cúi cap;
the juice.
chài cap;
the watery part of vegetables.
kîam-chài cap;
the brine in which vegetables have been pickled.
pin-lô̤ cap maìⁿ phùi cêk saⁿ;
do not get betel juice all over your jacket.
chio kṳ̂t cē, màiⁿ chio kàu cap-cap;
mix it stiff, do not make a thin batter of it.
bô̤ thng bô̤ cap, cîah căi tit lô̤h?
With no moisture about it, how can I eat it?
cí lîap kaⁿ bô̤ mih cap;
this orange is not very juicy.
cap lông-lông;
thick juice.
cap cheng-cheng;
thin juice.
ío ŭ cap;
more juicy.
cah-cap cah-cap nē;
of the right consistence.
hṳ́-cap sîap chut lâi;
the gravy of the fish has oozed out.
  • cap71205
  • To intrench; to encamp; to settle.
îaⁿ cap tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where is the camp set?
cí cêk tūi cap tŏ̤ cí, hṳ́ cêk tūi cap tŏ̤ hṳ́;
this company is intrenched here, and that one there.
chíaⁿ cap-cŭ;
invite one to stay or to put up for the night.
i cap tŏ̤ sùaⁿ-thâu;
he is established at Swatow.
  • cap7751
  • Documents; writings.
paper used for documents.
sîeⁿ-sîeⁿ ŭ cṳ-cap lâi úang;
communications were constantly exchanged.
lô̤h kâi cap;
send a document.
  • câp93917210
  • Mixed; unassorted; confused.
câp hùe;
mixed goods.
câp mûeh;
all sorts of things.
câp sṳ̄;
many kinds of business.
câp sek;
many colored.
phah câp;
do all sorts of work.
tó̤ tng phah câp;
engaged in doing odd jobs.
câp kieh;
a man of all work.
in confusion.
sim câp;
the mind distracted.
câp căi;
many different things to be attended to.
màiⁿ lap-câp tàⁿ;
do not garble it in the telling.
all mixed confusedly.
ôiⁿ câp nâng;
câp-céng kíaⁿ;
a bastard.
chap-chap câp-câp;
lṳ́ màiⁿ lâi cí-kó̤ chap-câp;
do not come here and idle about at times when others are engaged.
câp bŭ;
sundry engagements.
a mixture of many kinds.
câp-pĕ câp-bó̤ kíaⁿ;
a lot of scamps from various places.
  • câp768240
  • Ten, a complete number.
tŏiⁿ câp;
the tenth.
câp ciah chn̂g;
ten tables.
câp gūa;
over ten.
cîaⁿ câp kâi;
about ten of them.
câp kím;
all sorts of condiments.