Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/529

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

to a considerable depth.

pua lío, pua cò̤ kâi sua-tun;
carry it off in baskets, and thus make a sand heap.
  • sua7301047
  • Cholera.
cí'-hûe sĭ tîeh sua kâi īeⁿ; hó̤ hàm kâu nâng kio i phah sua;
he now appears as if he had cholera, it will be well to call some one to combat the disease by maniplation.
kueh sua;
to scarify for cholera.
ká-tn̂g sua;
Asiatic cholera.
sua îⁿ;
pills for cholera.
tîeh sua m̄ hó̤ cîah sie kâi mûeh;
when one has cholera he should not take hot things.
si sua îeh;
dispense remedies for cholera.
tîeh kín sua;
have an accute attack of cholera.
  • sua7301957
  • The shark family, including rays and skates.
sua-hṳ̂ phûe;
sua pó;
dried shark's flesh.
lôi-thâu sua;
the shovel-nosed shark.
pêh gê sua;
the white-toothed shark.
chut jîp sua;
young sharks, which are said to hide in their mother's belly.
sua-hṳ̂ lêk;
a bright slate color.
  • 蜓蜻sua-me993
  • The dragon-fly.
âng sua-me;
a bright dragon-fly.
a small brilliant dragon-fly.
toa chùi sua-me;
the big headed dragon-fly.
kâi sua-me tó̤ cèng thiⁿ-tang-tek;
to stand on one's head.
nih sua-me khṳt a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ thit-thô̤;
catch a dragon-fly for the children to play with.
sua-me hiah lî;
a dragon-fly lit on the hedge; to place the body in an attitude like that of a dragon-fly perched on a hedge.
  • súa789608
  • To move one's abode; to shift one's things from one place to another.
î-súa khṳ̀ lío;
has moved away.
chien-súa tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where has he moved to?
cìeⁿ pôiⁿ súa kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;
move from this side to the other side.
súa tī-hng;
change the location of.
má-sṳ̆ kâi hâng-phò lóng-cóng súa jîp sùaⁿ-thâu;
the Double Island warehouses are all removed to Swatow.
súa theh bûang chi;
to change one's abode, and forget to take the wife along; absent minded.


  • suaⁿ733460
  • A mountain; hills; heights; a mound; a range; uncultivated, wild, not domesticated or subdued.
suaⁿ téng thâu;
the top of a hill.
suaⁿ hong;
mountain peak.
suaⁿ nía;
the ridge of a range.
suaⁿ po̤;
the slope of a hill.
a valley.
suaⁿ kheⁿ;
a stream in a gorge.
suaⁿ lō;
paths among hills.
tōa suaⁿ, suaⁿ kíaⁿ;
great mountains, and small hills.
suaⁿ kha;
at the foot of the hill.
pùaⁿ suaⁿ;
half way up the hill.
kûiⁿ suaⁿ;
a lofty mountain.
peh cĭeⁿ kau suaⁿ; cū mō̤ⁿ m̄ kìⁿ pêⁿ tī;
having climbed a high mountain one is no longer able to see the plain.
suaⁿ lu;
a hummock.
suaⁿ ciam;
mountain summits.
suaⁿ táng;
a cave within a hill.
suaⁿ ngâm;
a cliff.
suaⁿ khang;
a cavern among hills.
suaⁿ-khîm ía-sìu;
wild animals.
suaⁿ châng;
arrable watered land among hills.
suaⁿ sîa;
terraces on the hillsides.
mîaⁿ suaⁿ;
a renowned mountain.
suaⁿ tien hái bī;
delicacies from land and sea.
ké suaⁿ;
artificial mounds.
àiⁿ cĭeⁿ suaⁿ a m̆?
Are you going on shore or not?
kŏ suaⁿ;
posted against a hill.
úa tŏ̤ tōa suaⁿ kò̤;
backed up by immense strength.
ău thâu suaⁿ;
the backer.
suaⁿ cêk ĭam cêk ĭam;
mountains in successive ranges, the highest being in the background.
suaⁿ nâng;
wild tribes.
cṳ̄ í̤n suaⁿ lîm;
to retire into obscurity; seek retirement among hills.
thiaⁿ tìn-tang tìo cêk pak suaⁿ-cúi;
a scroll having a landscape painted on it, was hung in the middle of the main room.
suaⁿ hùe phò;
a shop where wooden ware is sold.
hong suaⁿ khui lō, ngŏ̤ cúi tah kîe;
whenever you come to a mountain make a road over it, and wherever you find a stream put a bridge across it.
kṳ̆n suaⁿ cîah suaⁿ, kṳ̆n hái cîah hai;
those near the mountains live on the products of the mountains, and those near the sea live on the products of the sea.
suaⁿ sì; suaⁿ hêng;
the contour of the hill.
bô̤ suaⁿ bô̤ sṳ̆;
out of sight of land; unbounded sea.
khṳ̀ kàu chim suaⁿ nâ lăi;
retire into the recesses of the mountains.
cǹg suaⁿ;
burial grounds.
cîeh suaⁿ;
rocky heights.
suaⁿ thô;
earth from the hills.
suaⁿ cháu;
wild grasses.
húe sie suaⁿ;
a mountain that has been burned over.
khui suaⁿ;
cultivate untilled land on the hills.
kim suaⁿ, ngṳ̂n suaⁿ;
mountains containing precious metals.
bûe-thùaⁿ suaⁿ;
hills holding deposits of coal.
a volcano.
càu-suaⁿ thâu;
the top of the kitchen range.
suaⁿ káu;
wild dogs.
suaⁿ tṳ;
a wild boar.
suaⁿ ngio;
a wild cat.
suaⁿ mn̂g;
a mountain pass.
suaⁿ am;
a monastery among hills.
suaⁿ sîaⁿ;
a city among hills.
suaⁿ kok-lok tói;
in the glens of the mountains.
suaⁿ kūiⁿ;
a mountainous district.
suaⁿ lăi nâng;
suaⁿ lîo;
a solitary hut.
thóiⁿ suaⁿ;
to seek a good site for a grave.
suaⁿ lêng;
the spurs of a mountain.
suaⁿ o̤;
an inlet or cove at the base of hills.
suaⁿ phiⁿ