Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/533

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • sùe746421
  • Wanting; deprived.
cannot do without it.
sùe-put-tit tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is indispensable.
sùe-put-tit tîeh lâi khṳ̀;
it is indispensable that I go.
  • 𤸬sûe82610410
  • Weak; feeble, as from long sickness; incapable.
thóiⁿ tîeh sûe-sûe nē;
he appears very feeble.
cì cē bô̤, cū cn̂g kâi sûe lô̤h khṳ̀;
as soon as the will power fails, the whole force gives way.
bô̤ mih châi-chêng kâi nâng, cîⁿ cē bô̤ cū sûe;
he is a person of but little intellectual ability, and as soon as his money is gone he will be incapable of action.
i khṳ̤t i khó kàu cn̂g kâi sûe-sûe, m̄ ká tin-tăng;
she was harassed by him until she was wholly worn out, and could do nothing.
tó̤ gūa kháu thóiⁿ tîeh to bú-bú, kàu hṳ́ lâi cē kìⁿ tîeh i bó cū sûe-sûe;
when away from home he appears very blustering, but as soon as he is in the presence of his wife he is a perfect milksop.
  • sûe29192
  • Disappointed; cast down.
i sûe-sûe nē tńg khṳ̀;
he went back greatly disappointed.
cò̤ pàng kò̤ sûe-sûe;
sat there looking greatly dejected.
úa thóiⁿ tîeh i cí-hûe sûe-sûe, kâi sĭ cò̤-nî?
I see that he now appears much cast down, what is the reason for it?
  • sûe56340
  • To mope; to drag along; slow-going.
kîaⁿ, m̄ tîeh kîaⁿ méⁿ cē, sûe-sûe nē căi tit kàu?
If you are going, why don't you go faster, for at that slow rate of progress how are you ever to get there?
kîaⁿ khṳ̀ sûe-sûe;
moping along.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i sûe-sûe khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ kîaⁿ, nā sĭ i bô̤ hiah, cêk jît īa kîaⁿ ho̤h cōi lō;
he appears to move along very slowly indeed, but if he does not stop, he will go a long way in a day.


  • sueh7881497
  • To talk, to speak, to say, to narrate, to set forth, to discourse.
to expound.
sueh cṳ;
explain a passage.
cí kù cṳ cò̤-nî sueh?
How is this sentence explained?
úa thiaⁿ-kìⁿ i kâi siaⁿ-sueh;
I hear his voice.
tŏ̤ lău-îa mīn-côiⁿ sueh ūe;
pray before the gods.
sueh-phùa cí kâi tŏ̤-lí;
set forth these principles of action.
i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ thâm thiⁿ sueh tī;
the two discourse together about everything in the universe.
sueh i cai;
tell her about it.
i kŭi tó̤ sueh ūe;
she is kneeling there praying to the gods.
sío sueh;
story books.
cài sueh;
say it over again.
i put îong hun-sneh;
he will not consent to hear anything further in regard to it.
cía sĭ lâi cò̤ sueh kheh, tó̤ în sueh kâi;
these are intriguing men who roam about and talk persuasively.
  • sueh785186
  • A brush; to brush.
a tooth-brush.
ńng sueh;
a clothes-brush.
ôi sueh;
a shoe-brush.
ngĕ sueh;
a stiff brush.
khîeh ki sueh lâi îu;
take a brush and paint it.
tèng nŏ̤ ki sueh;
make two brushes.
pìe ūe sueh;
a paste-brush.
ngṳ̂n cúa sueh;
brushes used in making spirit-money.
sueh tīo ko;
brush off the mould.


  • 𠲿suh779307
  • To suck in with a noise.
suh cap;
suck the juice.
suh in;
to inhale smoke in smoking.
  • sûh749417
  • To spurt out; to dart forth.
màiⁿ khṳt i kâi húe-cìⁿ sûh tîeh;
do not get hit by the dart from the fire-wheel.
pun húe-sûh sûh tîeh;
struck by a rocket.
cē thn̄g, hía cúi ŏi sûh kàu hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤ khṳ̀;
as soon as you poke it open, the water spurts to a great distance.
khṳt i c̄e kek kín hía húe cheⁿ-suh chut lâi;
as soon as the ventilation is stopped the flames burst forth.
hía hô̤-tṳ-chì ŏi sûh nâng;
the quills of the hedgehog may be shot into people.


  • sui8261729
  • Although; albeit; supposing; even if.
sui-jîen sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
although it be thus.
sui sĭ ŭ, kùi li;
if there be any, it is dear.
sui ŭ cí-kâi, m̄ jû hṳ́-kâi;
if there be this sort, they are not so good as those.
sui m̄ sĭ chin mâk thóiⁿ-kìⁿ nā sî chin hĭⁿ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
even though I did not see it with my own eyes, I heard it with my own ears.
sui bô̤ hó̤ pho-tîn īa tîeh nā kò̤ hiah;
although the bedding is poor, we must stay here over night.
sui-cek tîeh meⁿ, nā sĭ m̄ hâh huang-lâu, àiⁿ méⁿ put lêng méⁿ;
though it is necessary to go quickly, yet if the wind and tide are adverse, we cannot go quickly however much we wish it.
  • sui10163012
  • A spout; a nozzle.
cí kâi cíu-pâng-sui sĭ lāu a m̄ sĭ?
The spout of this wine-pitcher leaks does it not?
the nose of a tea-pot.
sui thak khṳ̀;
the spout is stopped up.
tô̤h ki sui pèⁿ ío kâi;
select one which has a good spout and handle.