Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/538

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


niap sṳ̂, bû kò̤;
to trump up a complaint and accuse falsely.
an interjection.
cía jī sĭ ēng cò̤ gṳ́-cŏ̤-sṳ̂;
this letter is used as an interjection.
  • sṳ̂10341135
  • To offer sacrifice to one's ancestors; the building where ancestors are worshipped.
an ancestral hall.
chíaⁿ a-kong jîp sṳ̂;
invite the spirit of a grandfather to take up its abode in the ancestral temple.
tŏ̤ seⁿ nâng khí ŭ seⁿ-sṳ̂ sāi i, sí ăn i kâi ău-ĭ īa ŭ sṳ̂-tn̂g sāi i kâi sîn-cú;
while he was still living the people built a temple dedicated to him, and after his death his descendants had a place where they could worship their ancestor.
  • sṳ̂8388010
  • Heirs; posterity; hereafter.
male descendants.
cô̤h sṳ̂;
their posterity is cut off.
i sí ău bô̤ sṳ̂;
he left no heirs.
cang i kâi tau-sun lâi cò̤ i kâi ău-sṳ̂;
adopted her grandson as his heir.
sṳ̂-ău sĭ cò̤-nî ieⁿ?
How will it be hereafter?
  • sṳ̆762830
  • In early times, an officer, a minister, a warrior; afterward, a learned or upright man; a scholar, a gentleman; an able-bodied man; soldiers.
tèng kṳ́-jîn lío cū tèng cìn-sṳ̆;
having obtained the degree of Master of Arts he afterward took that of Doctor of Laws.
hâng-lîm-īⁿ sù-kit-sṳ̆;
a graduate of the National Academy.
the title of the first rank of cabinet ministers.
tōa sin-sṳ̆;
gentlemen of high rank.
sĭ kong-cìaⁿ kâi sin-sṳ̆;
is an upright gentleman.
sṳ̆ lông kong siang;
literary men, farmers, artisans and traders.
a scholar.
mîaⁿ sṳ̆;
a renowned scholar.
càng sṳ̆;
a valiant man.
chù sṳ̆;
a private scholar.
kun-sṳ̆ hùe;
the soldiery, privates and officers.
  • sṳ̆8194614
  • An islet.
a rock in the sea.
thóiⁿ tîeh bô̤ suaⁿ bô̤ sṳ̆;
could see no land anywhere.
má-sṳ̆ lî sùaⁿ-thâu jîeh hn̆g?
How far is Double Island from Swatow?
cí kâi suaⁿ sĭ tn̆g sṳ̆ a m̄ sí?
This mountaian is cut off from the mainland is it not?
m̄ sĭ tn̆g sṳ̆, ngĕ tī, ŏi ciap tîeh pât kò̤;
it is not an island, it is joined to the other land.
  • sṳ̆83795
  • Like, similar; as; as if; as it were; appearing; resembling; having an aspect of.
siang sṳ̆;
resembling each other.
sṳ̆-hu sĭ, īu sṳ̆-hu m̄ sĭ;
like and yet unlike; doubtful identity.
sṳ̆-hu ŭ chêng-lí;
appears to be


sṳ̆ sĭ jṳ̂ hui;
appears to be but is not.
sṳ̆ hàuⁿ sṳ̆ m̄ hàuⁿ;
seems both willing and unwilling; gives doubtful assent.
sṳ̆ cin, sṳ̆ ké;
one can hardly tell whether it is natural or artificial.
seⁿ lâi húang-sṳ̆;
are much alike.
thóiⁿ tîeh húang-sṳ̆ húang-sṳ̆;
has a general resemblance.
húang-sṳ̆ thiaⁿ tîeh hó̤ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
appeared to be pleased at what he heard.
thóiⁿ tîeh húang-sṳ̆ hó̤ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it looked as if it would do well enough.
gūa-seng to̤ sṳ̆ kŭ;
a sister's son generally resembles his maternal uncle.
  • sṳ̆76467
  • To serve, to obey, to take in hand.
hŏng-sṳ̆; hôk-sṳ̆;
to wait upon; to attend upon respectfully; to render service.
ke tèng kâi lău bó̤ ŭ nâng hôk-sṳ̆ a bô̤?
Does any one wait upon the aged house-mother?
tong chîn put sṳ̆ nŏ̤ kun;
a loyal courtier does not serve two monarchs.
sṳ̆ kun put lêng sṳ̆ chin;
one who serves the monarch cannot attend upon his parents.
sṳ̆ sîn;
clean up and carry out the idols.
sṳ̆ hût;
serve Buddha.
khṳ̀ sṳ̆ tŏ̤ i kò̤;
enter into his service.
hîen chîn tô̤h cú jṳ̂ sṳ̆;
a wise courtier chooses his master and then serves him.
  • sṳ̆76298
  • To fill an office; a public officer.
chut sṳ̆;
to enter office.
sṳ̆ thû;
official labors.
sṳ̆ hw̆n cṳ ke;
an honorable family.
ĭa sĭ put lêng cĭu cìaⁿ-tăn kîaⁿ cū su kùe tì sṳ̆ lío màiⁿ chut khṳ̀ cò̤ kuaⁿ;
if one cannot act uprightly, it were better to resign office and not enter upon it again.
  • sṳ̆762725
  • It is proper; it is so; denoting a quality of truth rather than of mere existence.
hía, sṳ̆;
that is so.
mih mûeh tó̤ sṳ̆, ŭ sî kŭa thâu bô̤ khṳ̀;
by assenting to everything one will sometime find himself without a head.
sṳ̆ sṳ̆ kìe;
constantly agreeing to every assertion.
  • sṳ̆83797
  • To await; to prepare for; to look for.
sṳ̆-hān ĕ jît;
awaiting future events.
i sìn mīu sía tàⁿ "lîp sṳ̆ hûe im," taⁿ tîeh méⁿ-méⁿ sía sìn khṳ̀ bûe-hôk i;
he writes on the outside of the letter, "I await a response" so we must immediately write an answer.
  • sṳ̄83795
  • To wait on; to attend on.
to await.
kuaⁿ cí-hûe cìaⁿ tó̤ kìe sṳ̄-hāu;
the officer is just now calling the attendants.
sṳ̄-hāu kàu i khṳ̀ ût cìaⁿ ôiⁿ;
attend upon him till he retires, and am then at leisure.