Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/540

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • sẃn82116212
  • To select; to choose out or elect; to pick out.
sûi i sẃn-tô̤h;
let her take whichever she choose.
sẃn kâi hó̤ kâi;
select a good one.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū tòng-sẃn;
that is making a wise choice.
jĭm sẃn put náuⁿ;
allow you to take your choice without being displeased about it.
  • sẁn135654
  • To discharge; to emit; to deposit.
hṳ̂ sẁn chun tŏ̤ cháu kò̤, ĕ jît cū pìⁿ cò̤ hṳ̂-kíaⁿ;
fishes deposit their spawn among the rushes, and afterward it is metamorphosed into little fishes.
cí cêk to̤ chun sẁn chut lâi, cîang-lâi cū káng choiⁿ káng bw̄n búe;
one paunchful of spawn being deposited, thousands and tens of thousands are developed from it.
thâng sẁn n̆ng tŏ̤ hṳ́-tói;
insects lay their eggs in there.
chôiⁿ-îah àiⁿ sẁn n̆ng, tîeh khîeh kò̤ cúa khṳt i sèn;
when the silk moth is ready to deposit its eggs, a piece of paper most be placed for it to lay them in.
  • sẁn8331188
  • To calculate; to estimate; to reckon; a plan.
cía, m̄ sẁn;
make no account of this.
khṳt i khṳ̀ tá-sẁn cē;
let him go and cogitate over it.
tá-sèn kàu hó̤-hó̤ cìaⁿ lâi ;
when your plan is definitely made, then come.
sîn-ki, mĭo-sẁn;
a clever design.
  • sẁn82116212
  • To select for office.
sẁn chut khṳ̀ cò̤ kuaⁿ;
under appointment as officers.
hāu sẁn;
awaiting appointment to office; expectant of office.
ciet sẁn;
presently to be appointed to office.
  • sŵn821707
  • To more in an orbit; to come back to the same point; to revolve.
cúi lâu kàu hṳ́ kó̤ ŏi tò̤-sŵn;
on reaching that point the current sets backward.
tó̤-sŵn thâu tńg lâi mōⁿ;
turned his head and looked back.
to greet and entertain.
i ciu-sŵn kàu kàu-kak căi;
he went about among them in a very courteous manner.
ŭ nâng kheh to sĭ i chut lâi ciu-sŵn;
whenever there are guests, it is he who comes out to entertain them.
to look after the comfort of a strange guest.
sŵn-tńg thâu lâi thóiⁿ;
turned her head and looked.
lâu-cúi-koi tò̤-sŵn;
the gulls circle round and round.
tī-kò̤ sŵn;
wheel hither and thither.
sŵn lâi sŵn khṳ̀, múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ chūe;
went round and round searching everywhere for it.
sŵn tit sŵn sit;
lost it as soon as he got it.
  • sw̆n749417
  • To spurt; to gush forth.
cē líu khui hía cúi jw̆n sw̆n chut lâi;
as soon as it was dug open the water spurted out in every direction.
hṳ́ cîeh ngâm kó̤ kâi cûaⁿ cheⁿ sw̆n chut lâi;
a spring gushes forth from that rocky ledge.
cam lô̤h khṳ̀ hía hueh sw̆n kàu jîeh hn̆g kò̤ khṳ̀;
when it was lanced the blood spurted ever so far.
cúi-tháng lāu, cúi li-li sw̆n;
the bucket leaks, and the water spurts forth.


  • ta311510
  • Dry; dried.
khṳ̀ phâk ta cē;
go and put it in the sun to dry more.
lō tèng ŏi ta a būe?
Has the road dried up yet?
pû kàu ta;
boiled dry.
méⁿ huang méⁿ jît kōi ta căi;
there is a high wind and a hot sun, so it will easily dry.
khah ta, tîeh ùn tâm;
it is too dry and must be dipped in water.
chit ta;
wipe it dry.
âu ta;
lā kàu ta-ta;
dry it in the wind.
hang i ta;
dry it by a fire.
  • ta613375
  • A remedy, a recourse.
i căi ta úa ûa?
How can he do anything to prevent me?
bô ta ûa;
nothing can be done about it.
bô̤ ta i ûa;
have no means of controlling him in the matter.
úa bò̤ ta lṳ́ ûa;
I cannot help your doing it.
táng bô̤ cûn, bô̤ ta ûa cìaⁿ tńg lâi;
waited till we found out that there was no boat, and then, being unable to do otherwise, we came back.
  • 玳瑁ta-pūe586
  • Tortoise or turtle shell, especially the precious sort from the hawk's bill tortoise; marbled or clouded tortoise shell.
úa kâi mâk-kìaⁿ sĭ ta-pūe khuang;
my spectacles have rims of marbled tortoise shell.
sieⁿ ta-pūe;
encased in clouded tortoise shell.
  • 阿姑ta-ke432
  • A husband's mother.
ta-ke ta-kuaⁿ lóng-cóng tŏ̤;
her husband's father and mother are both living.
ău ta-ke;
husband's step mother.
  • 阿舅ta-kuaⁿ414
  • A husband's father.
ta-ke ta-kuaⁿ lóng-cóng tŏ̤ tn̂g;
her husband's parents are both alive.
hṳ́ lăi hŵn-lío chûn kâi lău ta-kuaⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;
my old father-in-law is still alive.
ta ke kuaⁿ;
husband's parents.
  • ta-po6141022
  • A male of the human species.
ta-po kíaⁿ;
a male child.
ta-po nâng;
sĭ ta-po a sĭ cṳ-nîe?
Is is a man or a woman?
ta-po hùe;
the men.
thiaⁿ tîeh sĭ ta-po siaⁿ;
it sounds like a man's voice.
cí kâi kíaⁿ sĭ ta-po a sĭ ca-bó?
Is this child a boy or a girl?