Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/542

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

than swine's gall.

hṳ̂ m̄-hó̤ thâi phùa táⁿ;
do not cut the gall bladder in dressing the fish.
cía sĭ kuaⁿ-táⁿ kâi ūe;
this is the expression of his real feelings.
i kâi, bun táⁿ;
his gall is that of a gnat; he is a perfect coward.
íⁿ-keng thó̤ kò̤ hîm táⁿ cîah lô̤h khṳ̀;
has demanded a piece of bear's gall to take as medicine; has asked those who wounded him for money to buy expensive remedies.
thâi nâng pàne húe táⁿ;
has the audacity of a murderer and incendiary.
phah tîeh tìo táⁿ;
hit him where the gall is hung; struck his vitals.
  • tàⁿ8506413
  • A burden, a load; a picul.
cêk tàⁿ cêk peh kṳn;
a picul is a hundred catties.
cí tàⁿ kàu poih káu câp kṳn, hṳ́ tàⁿ peh gūa kṳn;
this load is eighty or ninety catties in weight, and that one is over a hundred.
cía cûn cài ŭ jîeh cōi tàⁿ hue?
How many loads of lime does this boat carry?
cái ŭ saⁿ bw̄n tàⁿ;
it carries thirty thousand piculs.
tàⁿ màiⁿ taⁿ khah tăng;
do not carry too heavy loads.
jîh cò̤ cêk tōa tàⁿ;
press it down and make one large load of it.
màiⁿ khṳt taⁿ-tàⁿ hùe cŭang tîeh;
do not let the burden bearers come in collision with it.
  • tàⁿ36314910
  • To speak, to converse, to say, to talk.
tàⁿ ūe;
to talk.
i cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What does she say?
i tàⁿ m̄-hó̤;
she dissents.
nâng-nâng tàⁿ hó̤;
every one assents to it.
úa li tàⁿ sĭ, i li tàⁿ m̄ sĭ;
I said it was so and she said it was not.
i tàⁿ mih ūe?
What language does he speak?
ŏi tàⁿ ūe a bŏi?
Can he talk?
úa tàⁿ m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
I do not know what to say about it.
cía ūe sĭ i tàⁿ kâi;
this is what he said.
tàⁿ m̄-hó̤ thiaⁿ kâi ūe;
use obscene language.
tàⁿ khṳ̀ áu m̄ tńg;
cannot pronounce it.
tàⁿ lâi tōa cîh;
stutters in talking.
tàⁿ khṳ̀ thîh-thîh-kìe;
speaks stammeringly.
tàⁿ khṳ̀ im m̄ cìaⁿ;
does not speak plainly.
tàⁿ m̄ mêng-pêh;
did not say exactly.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi kōi thiaⁿ;
it is easy to understand what he says.
mih ūe i to ŏi tàⁿ;
he can speak every language.
sĭ tàⁿ sńg kâi a sĭ tàⁿ cin kâi?
Is it spoken in jest or in earnest?
têng tàⁿ;
lêng-ūaⁿ tàⁿ;
say it over again.
cài tàⁿ;
repeat it.
cài saⁿ tàⁿ;
told him again and again.
hŵn-lío tàⁿ;
keeps on telling it.
tàⁿ pêh-cíaⁿ; tàⁿ pêh-lô̤h;
to tell lies.
  • tăⁿ853858
  • Insipid; dull; indifferent; flat.
i kâi bī khah tăⁿ;
it tastes too flat.
i kâi ke ío cheng-tăⁿ;
his family is poor.
i khĭam-phok căi, cêk seⁿ to sĭ cho i tăⁿ pn̄g;
they live very plainly, and always wear coarse clothing and eat simple food.
tāⁿ-tăⁿ nē kau-
chap cū hó̤;
to be merely civil in intercourse with them is all that is desirable.
cí pak ūe lâi khah tăⁿ, hṳ́ pak ūe lâi khah lông;
this scroll is painted in too pale colors, and that one in too bright ones.
tăⁿ-pô̤h kâi ke;
of obscure family.
i cìeⁿ-sî kâi seng-lí né-tăⁿ căi;
his business is very dull lately.
kâi koi-chĭ cn̂g kâi né-né tăⁿ-tăⁿ;
trade is now exceedingly dull; nothing is going on in the markets.
  • tăⁿ8666410
  • To ram down, to beat down with a pestle.
cang khŭ-kíaⁿ-thûi tăⁿ mîⁿ, cìaⁿ tah tit tùe;
crush it with the pestle and then it will adhere when you stick it on.
cí kúi kâi kaⁿ-ná khîeh khṳ̀ tăⁿ phùa;
take these few olives and break them by crushing them.
tăⁿ chùi;
beat and break under a pestle.
îeⁿ-bûe khîeh lâi tăⁿ phùa hût lío cò̤ îeⁿ-bûe sám;
break the pits of the arbutus fruit and make a jam of them.
  • tăⁿ716415
  • To discard; to pitch.
khîeh kò̤ cîeh tăⁿ i;
pitched a stone at it.
tăⁿ hôiⁿ;
to return a discarded article.
tăⁿ sìu-kîu;
toss the embroidered ball.
tú-tú tăⁿ tîeh;
just hit it.
tăⁿ tîeh thâu-khak;
hit him on the head.
  • tāⁿ5487
  • To err; to mistake; to blunder.
i tàⁿ tāⁿ;
he made a mistake in speaking.
i cò̤ tāⁿ;
he made a mistake in doing it.
sĭ úa thóiⁿ tāⁿ;
it was I who made a mistake in the inspection.
sĭeⁿ tāⁿ cú-ì;
an error of thought leading to error in choice.
chíu khîeh tāⁿ;
a slip of the hand, in taking.
lí tāⁿ;
made a mistake in regulating it.
kîaⁿ tāⁿ lō;
went by the wrong road.
cîah tāⁿ mûeh;
ate the wrong thing.
thóiⁿ tāⁿ nâng;
mistook his man.
chŵn bŏi tāⁿ;
no mistake about it.
còng tāⁿ īa m̄ hn̆g;
the error is not great.
tāⁿ kàu m̄ cai;
went astray so far as to be completely unaware of it.
thâk tāⁿ im, sía tāⁿ jī, sueh tāⁿ cṳ;
read, write and explain the wrong letters.


  • tah8931545
  • To paste up; to stick on; to lay on.
tah tŏ̤ chîeⁿ tèng;
paste it up on the wall.
tah jī khṳt nâng cai;
put up a notice and let people know.
tah kò̤ phio-thâu khṳt nâng thóiⁿ;
put up a placard for people to see.
tah m̄ tùe;
it will not adhere when pasted on.
tah m̄ kín;
it does not adhere tightly.
cí kâi phāng tîeh can cúa lâi tah miⁿ;
paper must be pasted over this crevice to close it up.
i kìⁿ tîeh, kŭi kàu tah-tah;
on seeing him, she knelt quite down.
ciu-jît tah tiah ka-ciah;
he is