Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/55

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

the two ingredients fully.

chap khṳ̀ m̄ câu;
they do not mingle thoroughly.
câu-câu sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is the same all the way through.
hún lâi m̄ câu;
the whitewash is not laid on evenly.
kô m̄ câu, ŭ kâi ŭ, ŭ kâï bô̤;
the paste is not put on smoothly, in some places there is paste and in some there is none.
  • cău9541627
  • To form; to create; a party in a cause; to put on record.
chông bô̤ seⁿ-chut ŭ, kìe-cò̤ cău: chông ŭ pìⁿ-cò̤ bô̤ kìe-cò̤ hùe;
to form something out of nothing is called creating: to resolve something into nothing is called dissolution.
cău hùe;
the changes of nature, production and dissolution.
cău-hùe, cău-hùe!
How lucky!
hó̤ cău-hùe;
good luck.
as it chance.
úa thèng-cău-hùe lâi;
I chanced to come.
lṳ́ màiⁿ thèng-cău-hùe cò;
do not do this hap-hazard.
cía sĭ bô̤ cău-hùe kâi, m̄ sĭ i cwn kâi;
this is an unlucky accident, it is not what he designed.
ūe màiⁿ thèng-cău-hùe tàⁿ;
do not talk at random.
cău-hùe bŏi pûah tîeh;
happily you did not fall.
cău-hùe căi;
very fortunate.
sĭm sĭ cău-hùe;
exceedingly lucky.
bô̤ cău-hùe cĭu bô̤;
if there is no favorable chance it will not be done.
m̄ cai cò̤ hìeⁿ bô̤ cău-hùe, tùi-tùi i m̄ tŏ̤;
do not know why I should have been so luckless as to be there just when he was absent.
caí cò̤-nî hìeⁿ cău-hùe chūa lâi kàu hó̤;
do not know how it was that the fates were so propitious in the bringing home of the wife.
keh nî īu cău-hùe seⁿ kâi tau-kíaⁿ;
the next year she had, moreover, the good luck to bear a son.
cía sĭ thèng-cău-hùe;
this is fortuitous.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ thèng lṳ́ kâi cău-hùe;
let this matter be attended to whenever you have a favorable chance.
i thèng-cău-hùe àiⁿ lâi;
he will come when chance favors.
i thèng-cău-hùe cò̤;
he makes some now and then whenever he happens to have the opportunity.
líang cău kâi kuaⁿ-si tī-tîang ŭ chêng-lí?
Of the two parties in the lawsuit, which is in the right?
cău cheh;
put on the records.
cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ cău chṳ̀;
in transacting business do not be flurried.
cău ngân, cău gṳ́;
an entire fabrication.
khá cău hue-cam síu-sek;
skillfully made head ornaments.
sĭ i cău khí-thâu;
he was the inventor.
cí ciah thīⁿ-saⁿ-chia sĭ tī-tîang cău-khí kâi?
Who invented this sewing machine?
i chàng-cău thiⁿ-tī bw̄n mûeh;
he created all things.
tăi cău kâi sṳ̄ sĭ cò̤-nî?
What is the gist of the matter?
khun caŭ;
a girl's horoscope.
khîen cău;
a boy's horoscope.
cău cǹg;
make arrangements for a funeral.
kùi cău;
lṳ́ kâi kùi cău sĭ sĭm-mih sî jît, sĭm-mih nî gûeh?
When were you born?
cía sĭ phòng tîeh ŭ cău-hùe;
this is a run of luck.
phòng tîeh ŭ cău-hùe úa cĭu lâi;
when circumstances are propitious I will come.
pńg tìam cṳ̆ cău kâi;
made in our own shop; home manufactures.
lṳ́ kâi ūe sĭ pńg tìam cṳ̆ cău;
this is story which you yourself make up.
thèng-cău-hùe ēng;
to use as we may happen to want it.
thèng-cău-hùe bōi;
sells it whenever he happens to have a chance.
thèng-cău-hùe khṳ̀;
goes now and then according to circumstances.
thèng-cău-hùe àiⁿ;
whenever it happens that it is wanted.
  • cău341228
  • A protecting cover; to cover.
cău mīn kâi pò;
a vail for the face.
kīe cău;
a cover to keep the dust from a sedan.
teng cău;
a lamp shade.
ēng mûeh cău miⁿ, cìaⁿ bŏi chue tîeh huang, īa bŏi nah-sap;
take something and cover it up, then the wind will not blow upon it, and it will not become soiled.
  • cău9541062
  • A black, or very dark gray color; lictors.
ní cău-hŵn;
color with copperas.
legumes of the Gleditschia Sinensis*, used in making coarse soap.
cău-pâng; cău tĭ;
lictors; criers in a cortege.
the chief lictor.
head lictors.
put hun cău pêh;
does not discriminate between black and white; unreasonable.


  • ce102103
  • To abstain; a fast; lenten fare; a study or closet.
a student's room.
cŏ̤ cṳ-ce, ha sie tê;
sit in the study and blow hot tea; elegant leisure.
tiang-sî khui cṳ-ce?
When will the school begin?
cîah ce;
to live solely on vegetables, as do many devout Buddhists.
to live as a vegetarian.
tiang-sî pîet ce?
When does the fast end?
cîah tn̂g ce;
fast perpetually.
cîah hue ce;
fast at certain fixed periods.
kíaⁿ-jît tùi ce-khî;
to-day is a fast-day.
cîah ce pó cêk ak;
fast as an offset to wickedness.
cía píaⁿ sĭ ce kâi a sĭ cho̤ kâi?
Is this sort of cake lenten fare or not?
cí īeⁿ chài ŭ nâng tàⁿ sĭ ce kâi, ŭ nâng tàⁿ sĭ cho̤ kâi;
some say this vegetable is lenten fare, and some say it is not.
ce tn̂g;
a temple whose inmates fast.
ce má;
women who abstain from animal food.
cò̤ māng-ce, a sī cò̤ kong-tek?
Is it to be a private or a public funeral?