Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/562

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

for receiving such papers.

hăng tîaⁿ;
a charge sent in to the yamun ou the regular days for receiving complaints.
phoiⁿ tîaⁿ;
to officially consider a formal complaint.
jîp ho̤h cōi tieⁿ tîaⁿ hŵn-lío m̄ cún;
have entered ever so many pleas at the yamun, and have as yet had no examination of my case granted me.
tŏ̤ ti-kūiⁿ kò̤ tîaⁿ khòng;
have formally appealed to the district magistrate.
tîaⁿ thâu siu, thâu thóiⁿ, thâu mn̄g;
entertained, inspected, and inquired into the complaint all at the same time.
chau tîaⁿ;
copy out a charge that has been entered at the yamun.
tîaⁿ kó̤;
draft of a petition.
tîaⁿ cúa;
paper on which pleas are written.
  • tĭaⁿ9051678
  • An ingot or shoe of bullion.
ngṳ̂n tĭaⁿ;
ingots of silver; imitations of ingots burned as offerings to idols.
khîeh cêk tĭaⁿ ûang-pó̤ khṳ̀ táu;
take a shoe of silver and exchange it for small coin.
cêk kâi pit tĭaⁿ jû-ì kâi teng;
lanterns that resemble a pen, an ingot, and a brooch.
  • tīaⁿ905405
  • Fixed, secure, tranquil, steady; used after an expression to enforce it; really, certainly, absolutely; brought to a proper state; at rest, set; to fix, to settle on, to decide.
cêk tīaⁿ put êk kâi;
fixed beyond all possibility of change.
surely, positively.
kio i tīaⁿ kâi chin tŏ̤-kò̤;
has secured a wife for him.
tīaⁿ i saⁿ peh tàⁿ hue;
made a contract with him for three hundred piculs of lime.
khîeh nŏ̤ kâi ngṳ̂n khṳt i siu tīaⁿ;
gave him two dollars to bind the bargain.
i ieh tīaⁿ móng jît àiⁿ lâi;
he promised positively to come ou a certain day.
tàⁿ khṳ̀ bô̤ tīaⁿ-cún;
did not say definitely.
bô̤ tīaⁿ-tîeh;
not exactly.
hŵn-lío būe tīaⁿ;
it is not yet decided.
cía m̄ tīaⁿ;
this is uncertain.
i àiⁿ khîeh-tńg tīaⁿ-ngṳ̂n;
he wishes to give back the money that was given him to bind the bargain.
chùn si ûi tīaⁿ;
every detail is fixed by contract.
cîah i kâi tīaⁿ-thâu-ngṳ̂n;
made off with the money given to bind the contract.
kâi ngṳ̂n cò̤ tīaⁿ;
a dollar paid as security.
hàm i thóiⁿ tīaⁿ;
tell him to look at it in such a way as to he sure about it.
thiaⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
listen so carefully as to be certain what was said.
jīn m̄ tīaⁿ;
not sure that this is the one.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ tīaⁿ keⁿ;
he acts in an irresolute way.
  • tīaⁿ7201280
  • A final particle, intensifying what goes before.
hṳ́ lăi nŏ̤ nâng tīaⁿ;
two persons were there and no more.
toaⁿ i tó̤ cŏ̤ tīaⁿ;
only he was
sitting there.
cêk kù ūe tīaⁿ;
one word only.
cêk jît tīaⁿ, bô̤ ke;
one day and no more.
chûn sì ngŏ nâng tīaⁿ;
there remained four or five persons only.
cêk tńg tīaⁿ;
once and no more.
cêk kâi tīaⁿ;
one alone.
chûn cêk kùe tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
a half day only remains.
sĭang sĭm sĭ cièⁿ-seⁿ tīaⁿ;
this is the utmost.


  • tiah9596411
  • To pluck, to pick, to pull, to lay hold of with the fingers, to deprive of.
tiah hue;
to cull flowers.
tiah kaⁿ-ná;
to gather olives.
tiah kúe-cí;
to pull fruit.
tiah nŏ̤ kâi sîeh-lîu khṳ̀ pun a-cé;
plucked two pomegranates and gave them to his sister.
cē tiah cū tîeh;
plucked it off at one pull.
tiah ìn;
deprive an officer of his seal, tiah teng; take away his button.
tiah lêng téng;
deprive of the insignia of rank.
  • tiah95914911
  • To remove or suspend from office.
tiah khṳ̀ hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤ cò̤ ti-kūiⁿ;
removed him to a distant place and made him district magistrate.
  • tiah5276412
  • To baste together with long irregular stitches.
chó̤-lîak tiah cêk cūe, thīⁿ lío cìaⁿ bŏi cáu-it;
baste it slightly across once, then when yon sew it, it will not be out of line.
soiⁿ kâi i tiah tùe nŏ̤ cam;
catch it together with a couple of stitches.
  • tiah801236
  • After a verb gives force to the meaning, and indicates a transition or completed action; at, to, or in.
a-nôⁿ ciu-jît tah tiah ka-ciah;
the child tags after her all day.
i kâi a-nôⁿ li m̄ hàuⁿ pì, ciu-jît phŏ̤ tiah chíu;
her baby does not like being carried in a scarf on her back, and is all day in her arms.
i ciu-jît cŏ̤ tiah íⁿ, tó̤ sía jī;
he sits in a chair writing all day long.
cē chut mn̂g cū tòa tiah sin-piⁿ;
whenever she goes out she takes him along with her.
i kâi ie-to̤ kùa tiah sin;
he had his dagger on his person.
facile; glib; running without friction.
i hâiⁿ tîeh m̄ kût-tîah;
it is not easy to get him to pay.
i kâi cṳ līam khṳ̀ kût-tîah kût-tîah;
he recites his lesson very glibly, without any hesitation.
i ciu jît kût-kût tîah-tîah, li-li cò̤;
he keeps on doing it all day long with the greatest facility.