Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/567

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
a dictionary.
tíen síu put lêng sî tit ceh;
the one in charge cannot set aside the responsibilies of his office.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ ṳn-tién i ;
that is doing him a kindness.
cía sĭ tŏng tién kâi sṳ̄;
this is an act of mercy.
kháu-kà sĭ chîo-thêng kâi tăi tíen;
the examinations are a favor bestowed by the authorities.
  • tíen44447
  • To open out; to exhibit; to display.
i sĭ tó̤ tíen pún-nía kâi;
he is displaying his ability.
thóiⁿ i tíen sĭm-mih pún-sṳ̄ chut lâi;
see what ability he displays.
hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ tíen lâk;
tell him not to make a display of his prowess.
i tó̤ tíen-sì-thâu, ŭ jît cóng tîeh tíen-phìu;
he is displaying his power, but he will some day display it to his own hurt.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ i kâi châi-chêng cn̂g kâi m̄ hó̤ tíen;
he has thus no opportunity to display his talents.
  • tĭen8963211
  • To advance money; to pay for another; a cushion.
tĭen m̄ chut;
is not able to advance the money.
tĭen tit chut;
is able to advance the amount.
pûe tĭen;
advance money to make up for a loss.
tĭen tit phû tîeh tĭen kàu kàu;
if he has the wherewithal to do it with, he must advance the whole sum required.
íⁿ tĭen;
a chair cushion.
khàng tĭen;
cushion for a divan.
pài tĭen;
cushion to kneel upon.
  • tĭen8961735
  • Lightning; electricity; electric.
lûi-kong tĭen-bó̤;
the god of Thunder, and the goddess of Lightning.
telegraph wires.
tĭen-sùaⁿ pò̤;
a telegram.
chin-chĭeⁿ tĭen kuang îap-cē-sih;
like a flash of lightning.
khà tĭen-pò̤;
to telegraph.
cih tîeh tĭen-pò̤;
received a telegram.
tĭen-húa îap-îap-sih;
it lightens.
  • 殿tĭen896799
  • The rear of an army, as district from the van, especially when it flees in battle.
sĭ i tó̤ tĭen-ău;
he brings up the rear.
tîeh khìang ke hùe cìaⁿ tĭen ău;
those who would venture to bring up the rear must be powerful in arms.
  • tĭen896379
  • To offer libations.
khṳ̀ cì-tĭen;
go to offer sacrifices and pour libations.
cì lío cū tĭen cíu;
after the sacrifice is offered the libation is poured.
tĭen ngî;
money sent as an offering to mourners.
i chut pìn ŭ jîeh cŏi nâng pái tĭen;
on his issuing the notice of the death many persons offered a present and joined the funeral procession.


  • tîet68386
  • The child of a brother.
cek tîet cò̤-pû lăi;
uncle and nephew came together.
lâi tĭet;
brother's son.
oíe tîet;
a cousin's son, of a different surname.
tîet ńng;
a brother's daughter.
tîet sài;
a niece's husband.
úa sái sìa tîet lâi m̄ng-hāu lṳ́;
I send my nephew to inquire after your health.
tîet sun;
peh tîet;
son of my father's elder brother.
pau tîet;
own nephew.
thâng tîet;
a cousin's son, of the same surname.
cŭang tîet;
a second cousin's son.
côk tîet;
a junior in the same clan.
nî tîet;
the sons of one who took his literary degree in the same year as myself.
sì tîet;
a term used by one's self towards a father's chum or fellow graduate.
ngô̤ tîet;
"your ignorant nephew" (is the subscription of one who is writing to his father's friend).


  • tih9018511
  • A drop; to fall in drops; to drip.
khṳt hŏ tih tîeh;
wet by rain.
khṳt hŏ lāu tih tîeh;
wet by the rain that leaked in.
khàu kàu mâk-cap tih cêk saⁿ;
cried till the tears dropped all over her tunic.
pattering drops.
tih cêk koiⁿ;
dripped all over the room.
tih bô̤ nŏ̤ tíam lô̤h khṳ̀;
dropped in barely two drops.
tih ke cêk tíam;
drop in another drop.
cêk tíam cêk tih t obŏi chò̤;
there is not the slightest mistake in it.
hueh lâu hueh tih;
the blood oozes out.
lîm-cîⁿ-cúi tíam-tíam tih bô̤ cha chî;
the water from the eaves falling drop by drop does not go into the wrong gutter.
tih kàu cêk sin tâm-tâm;
dripped upon me till I am drenched.
li-li tih;
drops continuously.
  • tih8811409
  • The stem, peduncle or foot stalk of a flower or fruit.
săi tih;
the persistent calyx of a persimmon.
hue tih;
the stem of the flower.
kaⁿ tih;
the stem of the orange.
  • 詬誶tîh-tûh828
  • To scold; to rail at.
the sound of voices in angry talk.
i nŏ̤ nâng tâng-cá tîh-tûh-kìe kâi ŭi mih sṳ̄?
What was it that those two were abusing each other about a little while ago?
tàⁿ ūe m̄ tàⁿ hó̤-hó̤, cò̤-nî tàⁿ kàu tîh-tîh-tûh-tûh;
in speaking why not speak pleasantly, rather than rave and scold.
conversing amicably without real friendship; talking agreeably.
tàⁿ cêk kùa tîh-tîh--