Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/569

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • tîn86514910
  • To transcribe.
a manifesto or address issued by the emperor himself, in times of trouble.
phang kîaⁿ n̂g-tîn;
issue a manifesto.
  • tīn191707
  • A rank or file of soldiers; a battalion; an army; troops, forces; to place in rank, to set in array, to marshal; as a classifier, used to denote a gust, blast, burst or time; a shower; a short space; transitory; a little while.
tīn cīeⁿ bô̤ nīe chieⁿ;
in battle give no quarter.
cĭeⁿ tīn sie thâi;
go into battle.
pái sĭm-mih tīn-sì?
What show of force do they make?
i phah thâu-tīn soiⁿ khṳ̀;
they lead the van.
pāi tīn;
defeated in battle.
khîa bé khṳ̀ chong i kâi tīn;
mounted their horses and rushed upon their ranks.
cêk pôiⁿ pái tīn, cêk pôiⁿ phah tīn;
one side is posting the troops and the other side is breaking ranks.
chùang-jîp i kâi tīn-mn̂g;
press through the opening in the ranks.
mîⁿ-hûn tīn;
infatuated; besotted with.
cêk tīn cío pue tŏ̤ cí kò̤ kùe;
a flock of birds flew over here in line.
thàu cêk tīn tōa huang;
a strong gust of wind came.
hía in cêk tīn cêk tīn cêk tīn lí-kẃn khí lâi;
the smoke keeps rising up in puffs.
cêk tīn huang ,cêk tīn hŏ;
each gust of wind is followed by a shower of rain.
húe-gû tīn;
a file of oxen with knives on their horns and fire-brands on their tails (used in battle to break the ranks of the enemy).
chĭeⁿ tīn;
elephants in file for battle.
chut cêk tīn kūaⁿ, pēⁿ cū hó;
if he can be made to sweat freely he will be better.


  • tio8851728
  • To engrave; to carve; to cut.
tio-khek ìn-póiⁿ;
to engrave the wooden blocks on which printing is done.
sûi i khṳ̀ tio-kuah;
let him engrave it as he pleases.
tio hue thâh táu;
adorned with carved ornamentation.
i kâi jī-ûeh tio lâi ngía;
he carves beautifully.
tio to̤h;
to grave or chase.
tio lâi bŏi sit cin;
nothing has been lost from the pattern in transferring it to wood.
cía put kùe sĭ phû-phû nē tio;
this is nothing more than a slight cutting into the wood.
tio ìn;
to engrave a seal.
tio to̤;
graving tools.
khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē tio, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē câk;
use the knife and the chisel very carefully in the cutting.
  • tio8851535
  • The Siberian sable.
tio phûe;
the fur of the sable.
the sable.
i chen̄g kâi tio-chṳ́ bé-kùa;
he wore a riding jacket of sable.
tio búe;
sables' tails, worn by military men.
kim tio;
undyed or reddish sable.
  • tio885158
  • To wither and fade, as leaves do.
sng so̤h cē lô̤h cháu-bâk cū tio-lêng;
when frost and snow come the herbage withers.
cía chīu kâi ki hîeh năi sng-so̤h bŏi tio;
this tree does not lose its verdure even in winter.
ngô̤-thông sĭang-téng cá tio;
the catalpa tree loses its leaves earliest of all.
hue-bâk tó̤ tio-châng lío;
the foliage is already fading.
  • tio885181
  • Unscrupulous and aggressive.
contentious; fond of litigation, and pressing the case without just cause; truculent.
violent and barbarous.
cêk pùaⁿ tio cêk pùaⁿ mâng;
a mixture of wickedness and barbarity.
i kâi a-pĕ sĭ chut mîaⁿ tio pit;
his father is well known for his rabid writings.
tio ak cṳ cì;
outrageous and wicked beyond endurance.
dictatorial and overbearing.
tio-tio nē;
i kâi sin châi ío kûiⁿ-tio;
he is of fine stature.
cêk kâi li kûiⁿ-tio kûiⁿ-tio nē, cêk kâi li ói-kó ói-kó;
one is tall and slender and the other short and sturdy.
  • tìo88711611
  • Deep; to go far into a recess.
lî khah tìo-íen;
is too in accessible.
cí kâi tī-hng khah tìo-íen;
this place is too remote and difficult to reach.
  • tìo886571
  • To condole with mourners; to wail or otherwise assist at a funeral.
i tiang-sî khui tìo?
When are the funeral rites to be performed?
khui saⁿ jît tìo;
will have the funeral rites performed for three days.
tăi-sì sĭ chit jît sêng hôk cū kui-tìo;
generally, the funeral rites are performed after the mourning garments have been worn seven days.
khṳ̀ tìo-cì kâi nâng cōi căi;
a great number of persons went to offer condolence.
  • tìo886303
  • To suspend; to hang up; to demand; to ask for; to call for; to lift, as by a cord; a thousand cash.
lîah i lâi tìo;
seize and hang him.
tìo pàng chīu-câng tèng;
hang up on a tree.
tìo tùi-lîin;
hang up scrolls.
tìo ki teng;
suspend a lamp.
tìo kâi kìaⁿ;
hang a picture.
tìo-pàng tû lăi;
hang it up in the wardrobe.
a clothes rack.
ngṳn̂-tĭaⁿ ēng jîh cōi tìo?
How many strings of paper ingots will be required?
cu tìo;
strings of beads.
līo tìo ŭ kâi tn̆g khṳ̀;
some of the strings of strass