Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/574

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • tn̂g271680
  • Long.
tek-ko̤ m̄ kàu tn̂g;
the pole is not long enough.
khah tn̂g;
it is too long.
bŏi tn̂g bŏi tó̤;
it is neither too long nor too short.
saⁿ chieh tn̂g;
three feet long.
cò̤ tn̂g cē;
make it a little longer.
nĕ tn̂g-tn̂g;
very long indeed.
cîah tn̂g mīaⁿ;
live a long life.
sĭeⁿ sṳ̄ kù tn̂g;
take forethought.
cía sī kú-tn̂g kâi kòi-cheh;
this is a far reaching scheme.
sĭ i tó̤ khîa tn̂g-ko̤;
he is the architect in this work.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤ cìaⁿ ŭ kú-tn̂g;
done thus it will endure.
bô̤ kú-tn̂g;
not lasting.
i mih sṳ̄ ŏi sĭeⁿ tn̂g;
in all sorts of matters he has remarkable foresight.
tn̂g tn̂g khṳ̀;
go right on.
màiⁿ tn̂g tn̂g khṳ̀;
do not continue to go on so.
màiⁿ thĭⁿ khah tn̂g cam;
do not take too long stitches.
kùe tn̂g kùe tó̤;
some are more and some are less than the right length.
  • tn̂g861307
  • A famous dynasty which ruled China from A.D. 618 to 913; used for China and the Chinese.
the Chinese.
cí kâi tn̂g-suaⁿ-nâng sĭ sin-tn̂g a lău-tn̂g?
Is this Chinaman a recent or an old immigrant here?
hwn-pôiⁿ cîⁿ tn̂g-suaⁿ hok;
money earned in foreign lands will gain happiness in China.
  • tn̂g740508
  • Constantly; frequently; usually.
i tn̂g-tn̂g lâ ún cí-kò̤;
he keeps coming here to our house.
i kâi cṳ, tn̂g-tn̂g àiⁿ m̄ pat;
he scarcely ever knows his lesson.
sṳ̄ cò̤ lío, tn̂g-tn̂g àiⁿ m̄ it-tit;
after he has done a thing he usually forgets all about it.
  • tn̂g8613210
  • A post station.
thî-tn̂g; thî-tn̂g-pò̤;
the provincial officer over the postal department.
céng-tŭn kak chù kâi tn̂g sìn;
reform the postal system everywhere.
  • tn̂g860328
  • A mansion; a hall; a court; an official residence; a public establishment; the principal room in a house; a hospital; a church or chapel; large shops; the officer who presides in a court; the persons assembled in a hall; to control with authority; honorable, venerable; a classifier of trials.
an ancestral hall.
i kâi thiaⁿ-tn̂g khuah;
their hall is spacious.
lâi tōa tn̂g tèng thóiⁿ kuaⁿ sím ùaⁿ;
come to the great hall and see the magistrate try the case.
kuaⁿ būe cêng chut lâi cŏ̤ tn̂g;
the judge has not yet taken his seat on the bench.
cò̤-nî cŏ̤ tōa tn̂g sím ùaⁿ, m̄ cŏ̤ jī tn̂g sím ùaⁿ?
Why is the session held in the outer, not the inner court?
lói pài-tn̂g;
a church or chapel.
hût tn̂g;
a Buddhist temple.
àm tn̂g;
a temple wfth a monastery connected.
kong tn̂g;
a public hall.
i apt cŏ̤ kùe khîm tn̂g kâi nâng;
he is one who has sat on the bench, has been a district magistrate.
tîe-ciu hú cìaⁿ-tn̂g sĭ sèⁿ sĭm mûeh?
What is the surname of the prefect of the Tidal Department?
hái-îeⁿ kūiⁿ cìaⁿ tn̂g sĭ sèⁿ hw̆n;
the surname of the Hai Ie district magistrate is Hwn.
có̤-tn̂g, ĭu-tn̂g;
the two deputies of a district magistrate, or the aids of other officers.
tng tn̂g;
in open court.
tng tn̂g kuaⁿ ŭ cò̤-nî tŵn-kak a bô̤?
Did the magistrate give any verdict in court?
sím kùe nŏ̤ saⁿ tn̂g hŵn-lío sím m̄ cheng-chó̤;
has examined the case during two or three sessions, and has not yet reached a conclusion.
pài tn̂g;
a bride's worship in her husband's house.
hṳ́ cêk pôiⁿ sĭ kheh tn̂g;
on that side is the reception room.
cabinet ministers.
cóng-tok sĭ cheng cò̤ pŏ-tn̂g;
the governor is called Governor General.
a bath house.
kuaⁿ chíaⁿ nâng-kheh tŏ̤ saⁿ tn̂g kò̤ cîah;
the magistrate invites guests to partake of a repast in the inmost hall.
kuaⁿ cē chut lâi cŏ̤ tn̂g cū io tn̂g;
as soon as the judge comes out and seats himself on the bench the constables open the court by crying oyez, oyez.
kuaⁿ seng tn̂g a būe?
Has the magistrate opened the court yet?
íⁿ-keng sím hó̤, thò̤ tn̂g lío;
the trial is already concluded and the court dismissed.
cí cêk jīm sĭ tī-tîang phài cò̤ têk tn̂g?
Who is deputed to act as clerk of the court under this incumbent?
fees due or expected from the clients at the close of a court session.
chîo tn̂g;
an audience hall.
tâng jît-tàu sím kàu jît-àm tn̂g sṳ̄ hŵn-lío būe pît;
tried cases from noon until dusk, and still did not finish up the business before the court.
cêk pôiⁿ m̄ káⁿ kàu tn̂g;
one party dared not appear in court.
m̄ cai sĭ ēng kùe tn̂g cìaⁿ hó̤ paǹg a sĭ míen kùe tn̂g;
do not know whether he must go through the form of a trial before being set at liberty.
cĕⁿ tn̂g;
a place of Buddhistic retirement, where people practise rites, but no wear no distinctive garb.
ce tn̂g;
a retreat for vegetarians.
  • tn̆g9376914
  • To sunder; to break off; to discontinue.
côih tn̆g;
to dissever.
á tn̆g;
to bend and snap in two.
lìam tn̆g;
to pinch apart.
jw̆n kṳ̀, kṳ̀ m̄ tn̆g;
have tried all sorts of ways, but cannot manage to saw it in two.
kă tn̆g sô̤h;
bit the rope in two.
tok tn̆g lō-thâu, m̄ khṳ̀ hṳ́-kò̤;
broke off his journey, and did not go there.
cìeⁿ-sî tn̆g im-sìn;
lately all com-