Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/593

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


  • 𥏘tut4451118
  • Short, as a dress; docked; curtailed.
very short and rather unseemly, as a dress; stumpy, as a queye; lopped, as a horn; short, as a broom.
i seⁿ lâi tó̤-tut tó̤-tut nē;
she is very dumpy.
cêk kâi khah tó̤-tut, cêk kâi khah tn̂g-sien;
one is too stubby, and the other too lank.
  • tût779751
  • A bitter medicinal vegetable, somewhat like an artichoke.
pêh-tût, chang-tût, i-tût, u-chîam-tût, cìaⁿ-i-tût, thiⁿ-seⁿ-tût;
are all varieties of this medicinal root.
  • tût9211164
  • Abruptly; suddenly; to rush out; to bolt; precipitate.
i tût-jîen cū lâi;
he came very suddenly.
sudden, abrupt, brusque; to offend by assurance of pride.
i tàⁿ ūe cò̤ sṳ̄ cū thâng-thâng tût-tût;
he speaks and acts with great precipitancy and audacity.
tût chut cêk kâi nâng lâi kìu i;
some one bolted out and rescued him.
khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē, màiⁿ khah thâng-tût;
be gentle and moderate, do not rush in too suddenly.
i lâi kàu thang-tût căi;
he bolted in abruptly.
ūe tàⁿ lâi thâng-thâng tût-tût;
spoke in a very blunt manner.
  • tût301677
  • To burnish; to polish.
tût kàu nĕ kng-kng, íam-kìⁿ nâng;
burnish it brightly, so that you can see your face in it.


  • tṳ871529
  • A hog; swine.
a boar.
a sow.
a young sow.
a young boar.
chī tṳ;
to rear swine.
suaⁿ tṳ; hun tṳ;
wild hogs.
a shote.
nêk tṳ;
a porker.
tṳ-lâ; tṳ-îu;
tṳ mô̤ⁿ;
hog's bristles.
tṳ-sim, tṳ-kuaⁿ;
pig's heart and liver.
tṳ hún;
hog's caul.
tṳ-nêk àiⁿ ciaⁿ kâi a pêh kâi?
Do you want lean or fat pork?
tṳ sĭen-cí; tṳ ie-cí;
pig's kidneys.
tṳ chùi-tûn;
a pig's snout.
pig's hoofs.
sie tṳ;
roast pork.
tṳ-nêk kuah cêk seh cêk seh;
cut the pork in section.
tṳ búe khīe;
the rump of a hog.
brawn or head-cheese.
tṳ cang-mô̤ⁿ;
the bristels on a hog's neck.
tṳ phiaⁿ;
sides of pork.
tṳ bûe nêk;
pork tenderloin.
tṳ thâu chúe;
hog's brains.
tṳ pâi kut;
a sparerib of pork.
khó kùe tṳ táⁿ;
more bitter than swine's gall.
tṳ pak lăi;
the entrails of a hog.
lŏ tṳ-nêk;
pickled pork.
lŏ kîam tṳ-nêk;
salt pork.
chŵn tṳ;
a whole hog.
tṳ khah-kih;
pig's feet.
a pig-sty.
a pig-pen.
a basket used in carrying pigs to market.
tṳ tiam;
a butcher's block.
tṳ tô̤;
butcher's shop.
pûi tṳ; tōa tṳ;
a fat hog.
tṳ thâu pûi;
swelled face, arising from cold or disease.
i tṳ-tṳ nē, sûi i khṳ̀ khang;
he is very much like a pig, and can be cozened by anybody.
tṳ cô̤; tṳ khng;
a pig's trough.
i nŏ̤ ciah tṳ kè jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
How much will the two hogs sell for?
thâi sí tṳ;
butcher a dead hog; make a worthless thing appear fit to sell.
sí tṳ-nêk bōi kíam cîⁿ;
the flesh of a hog that has died a natural death sells for less money.
kien-kong tṳ;
a hog that has died of plague.
tîeh tṳ un;
has hog disease.
tṳ tîeh cô̤;
the pig is sick.
hue kha tṳ;
a spotted pig.
tṳ hùi;
hog's lights.
tṳ chieh;
pig's spleen.
a hoe.
tṳ̂-tháu pèⁿ;
cêk ē tṳ̂-thàu saⁿ tíam kūaⁿ kâi cîⁿ;
money earned by three drops of sweat at each stroke of the hoe.
cang tṳ̂-thâu thúaⁿ cháu;
take the hoe and dig away the weeds.
tṳ̂-thâu áu tŏ̤ koiⁿ-thâu;
carrying a hoe over his shoulder.
  • tṳ̂921707
  • To do away with; to remove; to root out; to subtract; excepting; besides.
tṳ̂ ău, khìam jîeh cōi?
How much remains due after subtracting this?
tṳ̂ kàu lâi bô̤ khṳ̀;
subtract till nothing remains.
tṳ̂ sì níe ki;
subtract four ounces for the weight of the wrappings.
tṳ̂ cĕng jîeh cōi?
What is the net weight?
tṳ̂ nŏ̤ kṳu tō̤;
take off two catties for the weight of the bag.
i kim-jît tṳ̂ hà;
they lay aside mourning to-day.
i hío kui tṳ̂;
he understands division and subtraction.
tîeh tṳ̂ tit i kâi pēⁿ-kṳn tn̆g;
must remove the cause of the disease.
when; if; premising; thereafter.
tṳ̂-hui tîeh i cìaⁿ ŏi;
promising that we have him it may be down.
tṳ̂ chṳ́ cṳ gūa bô̤ nâng hío;
exclusive of this one, there is no one who understands it.
tṳ̂ cí cêk nâng cṳ gūa bô̤ nâng pat;
besides this single individual there is no one who knows.
tṳ̂ sĭ cí cêk ūi cìaⁿ ŏi;
supposing it is this person, we can do it.
tṳ̂ pău uaⁿ lîang;
extirpate the violent, and tranquilize the good.
tṳ̂ sí i kâi sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;
destroy his life.
tṳ̂ kàu i cô̤h khṳ̀;
root them out so that they may not spring up again.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sît-căi tṳ̂ nâng;
that is really