Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/621

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

grow older they become less irrascible.

i cîah kàu cìeⁿ lău-tōa, kâi sèⁿ hŵn-lío bŏi thò̤;
he has lived to such age and yet his temper is no less quick.
cí cêk īeⁿ îeh ŏi thò̤ húe;
this medicine will reduce inflammation.
i cêk sin kâi sie-jîet ŏi thò̤ a būe?
Has his fever abated yet?
sie ío thò̤ lío;
the fever is abating.
cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi thò̤ sie;
this medicine diminishes fever.
i hīn-khek thò̤ khì lío;
it has now lost its odor.
i kâi lâk thò̤ ho̤h cōi;
her strength is much diminished.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i kâi kìu-piaⁿ cē lâi cū lak-thò̤;
when they saw the rescuing force, they retreated.
thò̤-hûe pńg tīn;
withdrew into their own ranks.
àiⁿ cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tîeh ŭ thò̤ pō;
if you are going to do this, you must leave a way of retreat for yourself.
hŭam sṳ̄ àiⁿ cò̤ tîeh phah-sǹg cìn kàu tī-kò̤, thò̤ kàu tī-kò̤;
in everything that one plans to do, one must make up his mind to what point he will press forward, and to what point he will yield.
īa sĭ bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ thò̤ pō, sṳ̄ cū būe hó̤ kîaⁿ;
if there be no opportunity for withdrawal, it is not best to act yet.
khṳt i thò̤ kíam ho̤h cōi ngṳ̂n;
had the price greatly diminished by him.
piaⁿ-bé cū thiu-thò̤;
remanded the troops.
léng thò̤ cē;
push it back a little.
ēng tîeh m̄ hó̤ i àiⁿ thò̤ cîⁿ;
if in using it I find it is not good, he is to abate the price.
téng m̄ kàu li cìe thò̤;
if it is not full weight, will diminish the price accordingly.
  • thò̤9131427
  • Exuviæ, cast off skins.
cûa thò̤, sîam thò̤, sîen thò̤;
the cast off skins of snakes or cicadas.
  • thô̤870756
  • The peach.
phŵn thô̤; sien-thô̤;
the peach which blossoms and bears fruit once in ten thousand years, and restores the youth of fairies.
a peach blossom.
thò̤ hût;
peach stones.
thô̤ jîn;
the kernel of peach stones.
peach pink.
thô̤-ki lío-ki sĭ ēng lâi phek sîa phek kúi;
peach and willow branches are used for driving out noxious influences and demons.
khó thô̤;
the cling-stone peach.
pêh pn̄g thò̤;
the free-stone peach.
cí lîap thô̤ sâuh kah tîam;
this peach is firm-fleshed and sweet.
thô̤-âng cúa;
pink paper.
thô̤ kúe;
globular cakes.
cût-bí pn̄g thô̤;
balls of glutinous rice.
thô̤ cúaⁿ;
a small spherical lamp.
thô̤ ìn;
a globular seal.
thô̤ mô̤ⁿ;
the down on a peach.
seⁿ lâi nĕ thô̤-thô̤;
she has naturally a high color.
i cí hûe seⁿ lâi cìaⁿ sĭ
thô̤-thô̤ kâi sî-hāu
she is now in the flush of youth.


  • tho̤h915648
  • To uphold on the palm.
cang chíu kâi i tho̤h tīaⁿ;
take your hand and hold it steady, pushing upward.
i bo̤ mih lâk, tho̤h m tîo;
she is not very strong, and cannot hold it up over her head.
i kâi chíu tèng tho̤h kâi thah;
he holds a pagoda on his palm.
i kâi lâk tōa căi, ŏi tho̤h êⁿ ūaⁿ thĭo;
he has great strength, and can support a roof-beam while the pillar below is being replaced.
  • tho̤h9151498
  • To charge with; to commission; to intrust to; to engage one to do; to trust in; to ask; to use as a pretext.
tho̤h hok;
I am well, thank you, a contraction of tho̤h lṳ́ lâu-nâng-ke kâi hok, I have availed myself of your favor to be happy.
tho̤h pì;
by your auspices.
m̄-hó̤ tho̤h i;
do not entrust it to him.
i lâi tho̤h nâng-chêng;
he has come to ask a favor.
cí kâi phêng-íu sĭ hó̤ tho̤h chi kìa cṳ́ kâi;
this friend is one to whose care one might commit his wife and children.
tho̤h-kù m̄ khṳ̀;
that will not answer as a a pretext.
sĭu nâng só̤ tho̤h;
have a commission to attend to.
úa ŭ cêk huang sìn àiⁿ pài tho̤h lṳ́ kìa;
I have a letter that I wish to commit to your care.
cía sṳ̄ lṳ́ thóiⁿ hó̤ hù-tho̤h i a m̄-hó̤?
Do you think it would be will to entrust this business to him?
tho̤h lṳ́ kio úa bói;
commission you to buy some for me.
àiⁿ tho̤h nâng lí;
will put it into the hands of some one who will attend to it.
i to bŏi tàⁿ ūa lṳ́ cò̤ hó̤ tho̤h i tàⁿ ūe;
as he si no talker, why do you entrust the negotiation to him.
bŏi hŭ só̤ tho̤h cū hó̤;
if he does not neglect to do whath e was charged with all will be well.
i sĭ tho̤h ko kâi tăi chîn;
he is a nobleman who might be trusted as the guardian of an orphan prince.
the ostrich, or cassowary of the Indian Archipelago.


  • 逗遛thû-thek875
  • To loiter, to dawdle, to delay.
tŏ̤ lō tèng thû-thek jîeh kú, hŵn-lío kîaⁿ būe kàu;
has loitered ever so long on the way, and has not yet arrived.
cí căm thû-thek kúi jît, hṳ́ căm thû-thek kúi jît;
delayed here a few days and there a few days at different stages of the journey.