Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/625

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

not carry away this earth there is danger that it will fill up and obstruct the drain.

thūn kàu i múaⁿ-múaⁿ khí lâi;
fill it in quite to the top.
cang cîeh lâi thūn;
fill it in with stones.


  • thut9241307
  • To slip out of; to escape from; to leave.
i kiaⁿ-ùi thut sin m̄ lī;
he fears he cannot get away.
cău-hùe thut-lī cí kâi lāng;
fortunately escaped this trouble.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ chut-thut;
have no way of getting out of it.
i sĭ ēng kim-sîen thut khah kâi kòi-cheh;
he is using the same device as that by which the spotted cicata gets rid of its skin; his plan is to leave altogether.
i cí hûe sît-căi bô̤ chut bô̤ thut;
there is now really no escape for him.
cò̤ chut lâi thut sôk căi;
is much above the common run in its style.
thut tīo kut;
take out the bones.
tîeh pû kàu i kâi kut ka-kī thut chut lâi;
boil it till its bones drop out of themselves.
ău-lâi i kâi chin khṳt i thut khṳ̀;
afterward the betrothal was broken by them.
  • thut982035
  • To degrade, to dismiss from office.
to degrade the inefficient.
kháu kàu cí búe m̄ cai ŭ sĭm-mih thut-thek a bó̤;
do not know whether any will be placed in other grades after the examination is over.


  • thṳ̀60211211
  • To polish or grate by rubbing on a rough surface.
thṳ̀ hun-kuah;
grate sweet potatoes for starch.
li-li thṳ̀, li-li thṳ̀;
scrub hard and continuously.


  • thŵn119911
  • To promulgate; to transfer; to transmit; to propagate.
thŵn kà;
to promulgate doctrines.
thŵn tău;
to preach.
thŵn sĭu;
to perpetuate.
thŵn bŭn;
thŵn sueh;
a report.
thŵn ūe;
a legend.
thŵn céng;
to propagate seed.
có thŵn kâi;
handed down from ancestors.
pì thŵn kâi huap;
a recipe pivately handed down.
thŵn lĕng;
to transmit orders.
thŵn ūi;
to transmit the throne.
thŵn ūi khṳt a-tĭ tîeh, a sĭ thŵn khṳt kíaⁿ tîeh?
Was the throne transmitted to a younger brother, or to a son?
thŵn ke-pó̤;
an heirloom.
thŵn sîn;
transfer the expression.
thŵn kàu taⁿ jîeh cōi tō̤?
Through how many generations has it been handed down?
khut i thŵn tāⁿ khṳ̀;
was erroneously transmitted by him.
cêk nâng thŵn hṳ, peh nâng thŵn sît;
what one man tells falsely a hundred repeat as the truth.
cêk nâng thŵn kùe cêk nâng;
passed on from
one person to another.
cêk chíu thŵn kùe cêk chíu;
sent on from hand to hand.
cīeⁿ tō̤ thŵn lo̤ĥ ē tō̤;
handed down from former generations.
thŵn keng a-pún;
a court crier.
ŭ thŵn, bô̤ thŵn;
has or has not been reported.
  • thŵn9383111
  • Round, globular; to environ; to surround.
ke lăi cêk thŵn hûa-khì;
the family is altogether harmonious, having all interests in common.
thŵn-thŵn ûi cŭ;
hemmed in on all sides.
i sĭ chēng thŵn-lêng kâi pó-hôk;
he wears a robe having a coiled dragon embroidered on the breast and back.
a turtle.
  • thŵn93811911
  • Dumplings or doughnuts.
cût bí thŵn;
dumplings made of glutinous rice.
tîam thŵn;
sweet dumplings.

chài thŵn; dumplings with forcemeat inside.


  • u221305
  • To breath out; to call out.
u huang, hŵn hŏ;
call for wind and rain as jugglers do.
côiⁿ u, ău ìong;
those going before halloo, and those behind crowd up.
cêk u cêk khip;
one exhalation and one inhalation of the breath.
u u toah toah;
u hàm;
to bawl at.
u hẁn;
to yell at rudely.
cêk u cêk khip mêh lâi kúi cì?
How many beats of the pulse to each breath?
  • u228303
  • An interjection expression aversion or grief.
hŵn-ló̤ kàu chîang-u tó̤-thàng;
so distressed in mind that he sighs and moans.
  • u1181623
  • Vague, vast, distant, wide.
màiⁿ tàⁿ kàu hìeⁿ u-khuah;
do not speak so vaguely.
cía sṳ̄ khah u-khuah, o̤h sêng;
this is too indefinite a thing, and will be difficult to bring to pass.
khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ lŏng, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ u-khuah;
it grows gradually less exact and clear as I continue to work at it.
u-u khuah-khuah;
not perspicuous in meaning or intention; not clearly defined.
  • u1058866
  • Not reduced to order; promiscuous.
cía sĭ u-hâh cṳ cèng;
these are a set of lawless fellows; roughs and vagabonds.
u ŭ;
none; all gone; nought.
kui cò̤ u ŭ;
it was an entire loss; it brought in nothing.
kui cò̤ u ŭ khṳ̀ lío;
it has all come to nought.

u1058853 Foul, filthy, impure;

to defile; to stain.
u-ùe i kâi mîaⁿ-sek;
stain his reputation.