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Theſe are all my Guards ye View,
What can theſe blind Archers do.

Phœ. Blind they are, but ſtrike the Heart,

Ven. What Phœbus ſay’s is alwayes true.
They Wound indeed, but ’tis a pleaſing ſmart.

Phœ. Earth and Skies addreſs their Duty,
To the Sovereign Queen of Beauty.
All Reſigning,
None Repining
At her undiſputed Sway

Cho, To Phœbus and Venus our Homage wee’l pay,
Her Charmes bleſt the Night, as his Beams bleſt the day.

Exit. )
[Scene the Grove.

The Nerieds Dance.

The Spring Enters with her Nymphs.

Ven. See the Spring in all her Glory,

Cho. Welcomes Venus to the Shore.

Ven. Smiling Hours are now before you,
Hours that may return no more.

[Exit, Phœ. Ven. Soſt Muſick.

Spring, Our Youth and Form declare,
For what we were deſigned.
’Twas Nature made us Fair,
And you muſt make us kind.
He that fails of Addreſſing,
’Tis but Juſt he ſhou’d fail of Poſſeſſing.

The Spring and Nymphs Dance.

Shepherdeſſes, Jolly Shepherds come away,
To Celebrate this Genial Day,
And take the Friendly Hours you vow to pay.
Now make Trial,
And take no Denial.
Now carry your Game, or for ever give o’re.

The Shepherds and Shepherdeſſes Dance.

Cho. Let us Love and happy Live,
Poſſeſs thoſe ſmiling Hours,
The more auſpicious Powers,
And gentle Planets give,
Prepare thoſe ſoft returns to Meet,
That makes Loves Torments Sweet.

The Nymphs Dance.
