Page:Digger Smith (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/112

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I dreams uv honour an' reward,
An' 'ow to pay a debt.
For partin' cash, an' buyin' farms,
An' fittin' chaps with legs an' arms
Ain't all—there's somethin' yet.
There's still a solid balance due;
An' now it's up to me an' you.

There's men I know ain't yet woke up,
Or reckernized that debt—
Proud men 'oo wouldn't take yeh down
Or owe their grocer 'arf-a-crown—
They ain't considered, yet,
There's somethin' owin'—to the dead,
An' Diggers live for more than bread.

The hills be'ind the orchard trees
Jist caught the settin' sun.
A bloke might easy think that there,
'Way back be'ind the range somewhere,
Where streaks uv sunlight run,
There was a land, swep' clear uv doubt,
Where men finds wot they dreams about.