Page:Diphtheria - a lecture delivered at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital (IA b22345656).pdf/3

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The following pages are based upon a lecture on the subject of Diphtheria recently delivered at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, at the special request of the medical pupils, and subsequently published in the 'Lancet.' Having been urged by some influential medical friends to give this lecture further publicity in a separate form, I have considered myself bound to do so, but have felt it equally incumbent upon me to make such additions as further experience has made requisite. It would have been easy to have added greatly to the bulk of the present pamphlet, by entering into such literary and historical details of the disease as any tolerably industrious student might readily accumulate; but my object was not so much to produce a complete monograph on the subject, as a concise resume of what personal experience has led me to believe to be its true characteristics and its most rational treatment. And, indeed, had I been disposed to enlarge upon the mere literary portion of the subject, this has been so well and fully accomplished in