Page:Diplomacy and the Study of International Relations (1919).djvu/310

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Gentz, F. von, 80.

George I, 61, 62.

George II, 61, 62.

German language, the, in diplomatic intercourse, 12–13.

Germany, treatment of international questions in, 272–7.

Gierke, Professor, 178–9.

Girolami, Raphael, 77.

Gladstone, 70, 260–2.

'Good offices', 160.

Gortschakoff, 28, 50,

Graswinckel, 130.

Green, T. H., 208–9.

Grey, the first Earl, 31.

Grotius, on resident ambassadors, 18–19; on amphibologies, 32; his Mare Liberum, 116 sqq.; also, 93, 96, 107–8, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 127 sqq., 150, 152, 209, 210, 212.

Grotius Society, publications of the, 210.

Guicciardini, 23, 25–6, 149–50.

Guide diplomatique, Le, 85–6, 87, 156–7.

Halifax, Sir George Savile, Marquis of, 38, 61.

Hall, W. E., 107, 112–13, 116.

Hamilton, Alexander, vi, vii, 279, 281–2.

Hammond, Adventures of a Paper in the Foreign Office, 166.

Handwriting, 10, 11.

Harangues, Indice des plus belles, 153.

Harris. Sir James, the first Earl of Malmesbury, 29–30, 36–7, 54, 55; 164; on advice to a young man 'destined for the foreign line', 234–6.

Harrison, Frederic, Oliver Cromwell, 44.

Hauterive, 80.

Heeren, A. H. L., 13, 57 sqq-, 96–7, 165.

Hegel, 77.

Heligoland, cession of, 70, 260–3, 264.

Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, 239.

Henry IV, king of France, 79, 96.

Henry VII, 45-6.

Henry VIII, 46.

Hertslet, Edward, Map of Europe by Treaty, 146–8.

Hertslet, Lewis, Collection of Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, 145.

Hildebrand, 177.

Histoire abrégée des Traités, 143.

Histoire de mon Temps, Frederick II's, 42, 160–1.

Histoire générale, Lavisse et Rambaud, 89.

Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, 146.

History, importance of the study of, 13–14, 85–6, 223.

History of the Law of Nations, Wheaton's, 20, 91–5, 99–100, 112, 153–4. See Walker.

Holdernesse, correspondence between Andrew Mitchell and, 53–4, 65, 81–2.

Holland, T. E., 165–6, 211.

Hooker, Richard, on law and the law of nations, 212–15.

Imperial War Cabinet, the, 283–4.

Imperial War Conference, the, 282.

Imperium, the, in the Middle Age, 177.

Instructions, 236, 240, 242 sqq.

Instructions données aux Ambassadeurs de France, 14, 18, 19, 27, 29, 34, 49, 53, 54, 55, 61.

International law, development of, 91 sqq., 112–13, 114–15; Treatises of, 96 sqq.

International morality, 177 sqq., 208 sqq'.

International policy and its study, 48 sqq., 85 sqq.

Interpellations respecting foreign policy, 272, 274.

Irony in diplomacy, 41–2.