Page:Diplomacy and the War (Andrassy 1921).djvu/330

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revolution. We continue to live in a time when passion reigns supreme. Nothing but the permanent re-establishment of law and order and the dawn of work and reconstruction will announce the end of the revolution. However, we are on the way to convalescence. No matter how desperate the immediate past has been, no matter how sad the present is, I nevertheless trust implicitly in the future. The Hungarian nation will yet be a strong and useful prop to European society. It is their function to preserve that single branch of the Slav family of nations, and to preserve it in the interests of civilization and humanity. This branch has belonged for many hundreds of years to the western section of the world, and it can live and flourish nowhere in the world except here in Pannonia. If the possibility of development is not allowed to this people, not only will a nation be murdered, but the working section of mankind will be robbed of an irreplaceable member, and that during the age of self-determination and the loudly proclaimed freedom of small nations.

We will never on any account submit to this destruction. Our vitality is not exhausted, and therefore the future belongs to us! The age of lies is fleeting, and the interests of mankind, and therefore our rights, will lead us to victory!

The End.

Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd., 83–91, Great Titchfield Street, London, W. 1.