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Advent of a Liberal Ministry to power, with Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman as Premier, and Sir Edward Grey as Foreign Secretary ………December.

The German Emperor informs Mr. Alfred Beit, the South African millionaire, that he believes England wants war, and that he is cognisant of the plans of Sir John. Fisher (First Sea-Lord, since October 21, 1904) to seize the opportunity of German naval unreadiness to provoke war, to make a sudden attack, to "Copenhagen" the German Fleet, and to land 100,000 men either in Schleswig-Holstein or on the Pomeranian Coast ………December.

Sir John Fisher informs Colonel Repington that "Admiral Wilson's Channel Fleet was alone strong enough to smash the whole German Fleet."; and that he (Fisher) "had seen on paper Lord Lansdowne's assurances to M. Cambon, and that they were quite distinct in their tenor." ………December.

Conversations between the French Military Attaché in London, Colonel Repington, Sir John Fisher, Lord Esher, General Grierson (Operations Branch) and Major Gorton (Intelligence Branch), in regard to an Anglo-French military and naval combination. Sir E. Grey communicated with ………December.