Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/121

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  • icate chits under that age, there is nothing

answers so well as a nice new slipper. A proficient disciplinarian would first give the dilinquent a short lecture on the nature of her offence, then firmly insist upon the culprit herself fetching the instrument of punishment: to my idea, there is more shame and humiliation at having to bring the slipper to be flogged, than fear of the smart, which is always worse in imagination than fact.

A skilful flagellatrix will always prolong these sensations, as they effct as much good as the application of the slipper.

Flogging and Cruelty in a Glasgow Industrial School.

A case not unlike what has just been brought to light in London is reported in connection with the Glasgow Girls' Industrial School. The charges against the matron consist of acts of cruelty when administering punishment to the girls. Here is part of an account given in a Glasgow paper of an interview with the matron regarding her treatment of a girl who had absconded from the institution. The girl was