Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/52

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and this reformatory Pater, succeeds an unabashed Lover of the Rod, whose heart is sad because she has observed of late years a tendency to go to a perfect idolatry of children. This gentle creature applauds Solomon's precept—forgetting, apparently, that Rehoboam turned out a particularly bad boy—and 'heartily believes in the good old birch.' She gives her advice thus: 'On the first occasion on which the girls show signs of disobedience, order all three up to the mother's bedroom, to wait until she comes. I would keep them all three in suspense, as not comprehending your intentions. Then I would provide myself either with a good birchrod or cane (a cane is very severe), go upstairs, shut the doors, at once tell the oldest one you are going to give her a flogging. Doubtless she will feel much astonished and very indignant; but if you are firm, and threaten to call in the servant to help you, she will submit. There must be shame as well as pain in this; but she has deserved them, in my opinion; and one such punishment, in the presence of her two sisters, will do everything.' But rod and slipper are despised by Another Lover of Obedience. His method is: 'When children