Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/87

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method in all cases of disobedience. I think that in all whippings of grown children a large amount of cool ceremony is most effectual.'

An Old Boy writes: 'Since the question of the efficacy of corporal punishment seems to give rise to a great variety of opinions, I venture to give mine.

When a boy I was educated at Christ's Hospital, and I assure you the birch was not neglected there. Punishment was sometimes inflicted privately, but when the offence was serious due publicity was given it. The offender after supper was made to stand opposite the warden's desk and hold the instrument of torture in his hand (it being customary for punishments to be doled out after that meal). When the boys had retired (with the exception of the ward to which the delinquent belonged, who were ordered to remain in their seats), two of the school porters were summoned, and the offender was told to prepare himself. He was then hoisted on the back of one of the porters, when the other with great deliberation proceeded to remove all unnecessary clothing by tucking the inner garment beneath