Page:Discipline in school and cloister (1902).djvu/96

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them come in and see how naughty children are punished when they rebel against lawful authority.'

So saying, he came tripping across the room and flung the door open, admitting into a somewhat odd scene. Fifine was tied across a heavy chair in the middle of the room, crying as if her heart would break, her clothes turned up with the utmost precision, while the ugliest old man I ever saw was administring a whipping, which had already been severe, judging from the state of her hips and her tear-stained swollen face.

'Pardon, ladies,' he said with an odious leer. 'Shall not a man do what he likes with his own? This lady is my runaway wife, my chattel, my goods: and who shall forbid my chastising her when I find her?'

Merry Order of St. Bridget.

Fanciful Flogging.

She got hold of a book out of the library about the feminine customs of Rome, and she resolved to make me attend upon her toilet as the slaves of Roman ladies did. So she looked up a short tunic which was among the fancy dresses, and the next