Page:Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission.djvu/71

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Saintship and Martyrdom.

for us. It becomes us, therefore, to be contented, and dutiful ſubjects. Let us prize our freedom; but not uſe our liberty for a cloak of maliciouſneſs.[1] There are men who ſtrike at liberty under the term licentiouſneſs. There are others who aim at popularity under the diſguiſe of patriotiſm. Be aware of both. Extremes are dangerous. There is at preſent amongſt us, perhaps, more danger of the latter, than of the former. For which reaſon I would exhort you to pay all due Regard to the government over us; to the KING and all in authority; and to lead a quiet and peaceable life.[2]—And while I am ſpeaking of loyalty to our earthly Prince, ſuffer me juſt to put you in mind to be loyal alſo to the ſupreme RULER of the univerſe, by whom kings reign, and princes decree juſtice.[3] To which king eternal immortal, inviſible, even to the ONLY WISE GOD,[4] be all honor and praiſe, DOMINION and thankſgiving, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. AMEN.

  1. Pet. ii. 16.
  2. Tim. ii. 2.
  3. Prov. viii. 15.
  4. Tim. i. 17.