Page:Dissertation on the first day of the week, and the last of the world; or, A beautiful descant on the Day of Judgment (sic).pdf/2

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A Diſſertation on the firſt day of the Week,


Laſt of the World,

Exod. xx. viii. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

CONSIDER this, O man! and remember the ſtrict commands of thy God. The almighty and everlaſting Being, from his infinite goodneſs and mercy, has thought proper to give thee ſix days to labour in, and reſerv'd only one day for himſelf; and will we puny mortals, beings of a day, dare to put the Almighty to defiance, and rob him of that too.

There is a certain pleaſure ariſes in the mind of man from the ſtrict obſervance of this moſt holy day, that all the wild variety of forbidden pleaſure the world can afford, cannot equal, in ſix days the Lord made heaven and earth the ſea and all that in them is, and reſted the ſeventh day, wherefore the Lord bleſſed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. I ſay, that God who ſpoke the heavens and the earth and all their glorious retinue into exiſtence, he who placed the glorious ſun in the firmament, that ſplendid luminary, the fountain of light and heat, and of all the fair creation, the only reſemblance of its great Creator: He who lighted up the ſilver moon, whoſe lucid rays yield beams of comfort to a benighted world: He who deck’d the ſpacious