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Objections are of no avail against demonstrations. Whatever has been proved to be true may be contradicted, but can never be rendered false; yet if left unrefuted, objections may become dangerous to individuals, and, when influence joins with error, prove injurious to the community. A desire to establish the truth and remove prejudice will render it, if not a pleasant, still an useful task, to introduce and briefly answer every objection that is seriously urged, or has the semblance of an argument.

I. The primary objection is "that the law against Incest, in Levit. xviii. is not a moral but a ceremonial law; that while it is confessed God prohibited an Israelite from marrying his sister in law, whether the wife of his brother or the sister of his wife, yet this, being peculiar to the Jews, is not binding upon Christians." But where will this lead us? Then a