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INCEST. 39 tion^ and ascertains the degree of kindred, agreea- bly to which the crime is to be estimated, is the Law of God. The universal acknowledgment of this principle and law, will be sufficiently ascertain- ed, by observing how incest has always been view- ed by the Heathen, by Christians, and by Civil Gov- ernments.

" Many monuments of the declarations and con- duct of the ancient Heathen, testify their atten- tion to the law which provides for the preservation of chastity and the integrity of marriage ; especial- ly what related to those forbidden lusts within which marriage is prohibited. This law was known and held sacred by all the nations of the world. — There were indeed a few exceptions, but whatever they were, they produced no argument against the deci- sion of reason ; nor ought any prejudice against the rights of human nature to arise from such depravi- ty. The Julian law, which our civilians cele- brate, affords a sure testimony, that the ancient Ro - mans recognised the law of nature, and that by them, what respected marriage was held most sacred."^

  • Sfstema Theologiae Gentilis purioris* F. Pfaannerii. cap. i. 24.