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prevailing sense of the world in their favor, that they prove directly the contrary; since they are enumerated as insolated and singular prodigies of immorality. As well might it be said, that murder and the cruelties of tyrants were a proof that mankind did not esteem benevolence and mercy; or that instances of theft, robberies and deceit were an indication that honesty, truth and candour were not respected among men.

The Mahomedans who indulge in polygamy, and are promised by their false Prophet a future state consisting chiefly in sensual enjoyments, are still shocked at the abominable crime of incest. Mahomet expressly forbids it. In the Alcoran, chapter iv, are these words: "Ye are forbidden to marry your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your aunts, both on the father's and on the mother's side; and your brother's daughters, and your sister's daughters, and your foster sisters, and your wives' mothers, and your daughters in law who are under tuition, and the wives of your sons; and ye are also forbidden to take to wife two sisters." — It is added by Al-Sharest, "turpissimum corum qui faciebant Arabes, in tempore ignorantiae