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LAW is a rule of action. The term is applied generally to all kinds of action, whether animate or inanimate, rational or irrational. Thus it is said, there are laws of motion, of gravitation, of attraction, of electricity, of mechanics, of optics. But when the word is used in relation to moral subjects and referred to the intellectual system, it denotes a standard of human actions, and comprises the precepts by which men are obligated to regulate their behaviour. In this sense, Law is "a rule of action, prescribed by a superior, invested with just authority, to determine the conduct of moral agents."^

  • Derivaat nomen hoc Lex, multi a ligando, quia Lex homioes obligat ; alii u

legendo, turn quod scripta lex proiniscue legi potuerit, turn maxime quod lata ^aelegeretur palam. Hebreis dicitur Tor ah, quod a larah derivatum, dodrinam, yel viae moDstratioaem notat. Graecis komob apo tou 7iemdn quod regaf ipsa;, regiminis sit uorma, atque distribuat unicuique suum. Prof. Markha,

  • ->* The Printers have no Hebrew nor Greek types.