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fraught with danger to the preservation of Christian truth throughout the world, any mutilation of the Athanasian Creed, or any alterations of its status in the Book of Common Prayer." That meeting had great weight with the authorities; but it may be said to have had more weight with public opinion. Humanly speaking, it saved the Athanasian Creed. Then there was another most important and influential meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern, in 1883, in opposition to the Wife's Sister Marriage Bill. Earl Beauchamp presided, and among the speakers were Lord Shaftesbury, the Bishop of Emmaus (representing His Eminence Cardinal Manning, who had thought of attending the meeting) and Professor Milligan, late Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland."

"Any others?"

"Yes. The great meeting of delegates from the branches and District Unions, at the Cannon Street Hotel, on February 28, 1899, after the remarkable Corporate Communion at St Paul's Cathedral, when over 1000 persons were present, and nearly 700 made their Communion. The Declaration, addressed to the Queen, and adopted by the meeting, was a vindication of the E.C.U. from public accusations of lawlessness and disloyalty, and a firm denial of 'the right of the Crown, or of Parliament, to determine the doctrine, the discipline, and the ceremonial of the Church of England.' I think we nailed the colours pretty