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" Yes ; the Bishop of London is a very keen friend of the Church Army, and he has gone the length of allowing some of the men to preach in certain consecrated buildings. Our missioners, of course, do not wish to become curates ; but they do desire to preach in the churches occasion ally when well placed to get at the people, and the Bishop allows that in certain cases. We have already trained 1200 men and 400 women as evangelists and mission nurses. In this building we have about thirty young men in training, and there are about twenty - five young women under Miss Carlile, my sister. The Evangelists are examined by the Archdeacon of Middlesex, and are sent into a parish only by the invitation of the Vicar. Their work consists chiefly of open- air and in-door meetings, classes for Bible-reading, visiting, and the like. Permanent officers are sometimes supplied. Single men receive 2 is. to 243. per week; married men, 295. to 323., accord ing to experience and power. Where rent is high the evangelist is allowed to ask the Vicar or Rector for an additional salary to cover rent which exceeds 45. a week. It costs 25 to obtain, train, equip and send forth one officer evangelist ; 20 will obtain, test, train and equip one mission nurse; ;io enables the work to be commenced in a very poor parish."

" You feel that there is unlimited scope for


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