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Chinaman or a Jap. Nothing is allowed in the labour market which will compete with white labour. Otherwise, I don t see why many Indian lads I have known should not have risen to be lawyers, doctors, clergymen, or prosperous business men. Do you know, a large number of white men have taken Indian wives, and as a rule they make good, hard-working wives? It is curious that the half-bred turns more after the father. The Indians have perfect feet and teeth ; but the half-bred has large hands and feet like the father, and his teeth decay in the same way as those of white people. In complexion, however, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a half-bred from a white man. But there is this difference many half-breds have been able to rise in the social scale, and rise well too. Indeed, some of our principal families in British Columbia have Indian blood in them, and they are as highly respected as any persons in the whole community and in some instances possess more wealth."

" But what are your Indians doing by way of gaining a living ? "

"Well," said the Bishop, "they have most of the trades that are to be met with in civilised countries. In one mission establishment they have been taught carpentering, blacksmithing, printing, building, etc. For instance, many of them build their own houses. During the season the fishery affords a large field for occupation.

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