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When we get the new Trans-Continental Rail road, Port Simpson will be a great city. British Columbia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I know the Himalayas well, and the Alps. I have ascended to an altitude of 16,000 feet yet I am bound to say that I could not find anything more beautiful than the scenery to be met with on the Skeena River, after passing the Rainy belt. When the railroad is made, this will be the scenic route, as the advertisements put it."

In conclusion, Bishop Ridley recounted a pretty little story which recalls the utility of bells in the case of sleigh teams in parts of Russia and Siberia. Metlakathla was formerly pestered with huge packs of wolves, whose ravages at night were the terror of the populace. When his Indian flock built the Cathedral church, they call it they properly equipped it with bells, and the bells in turn struck terror to the hearts of the wolves, who decamped, doubtless in search of more peaceful quarters. But, alas ! the fire came, and church and bells alike were among the ruins. To summon the worshippers to another building only a small tinkling bell could be requisitioned. Apparently the wolves are deaf to this, for the latest information which has reached the Bishop is that the wolves have returned to Metlakathla just as hungry and destructive as ever.

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