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the university as a training institution, the future Bishop proceeded to a curacy in the Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, and then, in 1851, accepted the Lord Chancellor's gift of the Rectory of Lampeter Velfrey, Pembrokeshire, where he remained until nominated Bishop of Llandaff. During the interval, which was characterised by much earnest parochial work, the Rev. Lewis was called to the prebendal stall of Caerfarchell, in St David's Cathedral, and was subsequently appointed Archdeacon of St David's, Prebendary of Mydrim, and Chaplain to the Bishop of St David's. Coincident with his acceptance of the See of Llandaff, the Bishop received his D.D. degree.

The threefold Consecration of Bishops at St Paul's Cathedral, on April 25, 1883, will not soon be forgotten by those who take an intelligent interest in the affairs of the Church. Dr Benson had but recently been installed Archbishop of Canterbury, and, in the discharge of his responsible duties, he was watched with that critical eye which the public always specially reserves for men new to office. Let it be recorded that the Archbishop acquitted himself with credit, assisted by the Bishops of London, Bangor, Ely, Lichfield, St David's, Newcastle, Bedford and Bloemfontein, and the Archdeacons of London and Middlesex. First among the Bishops for consecration was the Ven. Archdeacon Lewis as Bishop of Llandaff, his presenters being the Bishop of Bangor and the