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particularly opposed to the touching of Ishwala under any circumstances. The authorities are very strict in Natal and Zululand about the sale of European liquor to the natives. The law is opposed to it, and, happily, the authorities are very strictly enforcing it."

" Do you find that the natives are friendly disposed towards spiritual work ? "

" Quite so, I think. There is a certain amount of opposition to be endured from the old chiefs. A large number of the natives, you may be in terested to know, go to work in big towns, such as Johannesburg, Durban, Maritzburg and Kimberley. The Zulus, as a rule, do not like work under ground ; they like being policemen, or occupying some positions above-ground. The main body of men who work underground in the mines at Johannesburg come from the East Coast. The Zulus, by the way, are very honest people, and are quick to imitate the habits of the whites. Wheat cultivation goes on at the mission centres ? As a rule, though, the ordinary natives do not grow much for themselves. The women do the work about the farms, homes, etc., and it follows that the more wives a man has the more work he can get done. At the mission centres, however, the men do much more, using ploughs and looking after the oxen. Some of the other natives are beginning to use ploughs that means the men work rather than the women. In the old days every Zulu was

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