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second floor. Above this floor there are eighteen bedrooms for single men lodgers, for the use of which we make a weekly charge of 43. or 45. 6d. per head. The same men can feed downstairs, and altogether they can live very comfortably here for about i2s. per week. The Red House is open from five o clock in the morning till twelve at night, and the meals are served at very moderate rates, 6d. purchasing a plate of meat and two vegetables, or meat, one vegetable and sweet. The coffee-bar and dining-rooms are open to both classes male and female in fact, to all and sundry.

" Then you will be interested to know that we have in contemplation a similar institution for young women to be known as the * Blue House. In this we propose to have a large gymnasium in the basement and a roof-garden on the top of the house, the whole to cost some .7,000. But as

i,ooo are still needed to pay for the Red House,

the Blue House must be a thing of the future. We are waiting for a millionaire or some other good soul to come along with the necessary financial help."

Mr Wilson takes a philosophical view of the situation ; he is confident the Blue House will come in time. The principle he has held to firmly throughout his useful connection with the East End is that He who sent him and his colleagues to East London, and gave them work to do, will also

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