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Fleming, at St Michael's, Chester Square; and Mr Forrest, at St Jude's, South Kensington.”

“But a change has since come over the thought of Churchmen in London?”

“The English Church Union party has increased more rapidly in the Diocese of London than anywhere else. Of course, London is the headquarters of every movement. There are now forty-one churches in the Diocese which use incense and reservation, and a much larger number have vestments and other uses which were extremely rare in Bishop Jackson's time. One thing I should always insist upon very strongly, and that is that hard, zealous and successful work is not confined to any school. From the standpoint of the strictest impartiality I should say the statement so commonly made among members of the House of Commons about all the work being done by Ritualists was most absurdly, most ludicrously, untrue. There are zealous men in all parties, and that which attracts the poor is real, generous sympathy, which they are very glad to discover, and which they find quite as much among Evangelicals as among High Churchmen. Such work as that by the late Mr Robinson, at Whitechapel; Mr Boyd Carpenter, at St James', Holloway; Canon Fleming, at St Michael's, Chester Square; Mr Stone, at St Mary's, Kilburn; Canon Streatfield, at Christ Church, Hampstead; Mr Selwyn, at Trinity, Hampstead; Mr E. A. Stuart,