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North. The other Archdeaconry is that of Middlesex. When I was appointed it was held by Dr Hessey. The present Archdeacon of Middlesex is, of course, Dr Thornton. The duties performed by Archdeacons are now largely shared by Suffragan Bishops, but the main characteristics of the Suffragan's work is that he confirms and consecrates, but has no jurisdiction. Also his appointment ceases on a vacancy in the See.”

“During your connection with London, the population has enormously increased. Do you think the Church is keeping pace with that growth of population?”

“No. The populations of the majority of London parishes are so enormous that it is absolutely impossible for the clergy to do their work properly. There are parishes in my Archdeaconry containing 20,000 people. I can give you exact figures. There is one parish with over 21,000 people; one with over 20,000; one with over 19,000; three with over 18,000; one with over 17,000; two with over 15,000; six with over 14,000; three with over 13,000; five with over 12,000; eight with over 11,000; ten with over 10,000; sixteen with over 9,000; and thirteen with over 8,000; and it is the same in the Western Archdeaconry. It is impossible, with the small staff of clergy, to visit all these people, and most of them have lost the habit of attending church. So that the Church only affects religiously a very small