Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/104

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The discouerie

And haue left vnto the forehead and rulers (following therein your good will) Captaine Albert de la Pierria, a souldier of long experience, and the first that from the beginning did offer to tarry. And further by theyr aduice, choyse and will, inskaled and fortified them in an IlandThey fortified in an Iland. on the north side, a place of strong situation and commomodious, vpon a riuer which wee named Chenonceau, and the habitation and Fortresse Charlefote.

After we had instructed and duly admonished them of that they shoulde doe (as well for their maner of proceeding, as for the good and louing behauiour of them) the xi. day of the moneth of Iune last past, we departed from port Royal: minding yet to range and view the coast vntill the xl. degrees of the eleuation:Fortie degrees of eleuation. But for as much as there came vpon vs troublesome and cloudie weather, very incommodious for our purpose, and considering also amongst many other thinges, that we had spent our cables and furniture thereof, which is the most principall thing that longeth to them that go to discouer countreys, where continually both night and day they must lie at ancker: also our victualls beeing perished and spilte, our lacke of Boateswaines to set forth our rowe barges, and leaue our vessels furnished. The declaration made vnto vs of our Pilots and some others that had before been at some of those places, where we purposed to sayle, and haue been already found by some of the kings subiects, the daunger also and inconueniences that might thereof happen vnto vs: & by reason of the great mystes and fogges wherof the seasõ was already come,Mistes & fogs when they come. we perceiued very well wheras we were, yͭ we could do no good, & that it was to late, & y͏ͤ good & fit season for to vndertake this thing already past. Al these thinges thus well considered and wayed, and also for that we thought it meet and necessarie that your honour should with diligence be aduertised (through the help of God) to returne homewards to make relatiõ vnto you of the effect of our nauigation. Praying God that it may please him to keepe you in long health, and prosperitie.