Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/91

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of Terra Florida.

which as we went founde to encrease still in depth & largenesse, boyling and roaring through the multitude of all kind of fish. This being entred wee perceiued a great number of y͏ͤ Indians inhabitants there, comming along the sandes & Sea bankes, comming neare vnto vs, without any taking of feare or doubt, shewing vnto vs the easiest landing place: & thereupon we giuing them also on our parts thanks of assurance and friendlinesse. Forthwith one of appearance, out of the best among them, brother vnto one of their kinges, of gouernours, commaunded one of the Indians to enter into the water: and to approch our boates to shew vs the coastes landing place. We seeing this (without any more doubting or difficultie) landed, and the messenger (after we had rewarded him with some looking glasse, and other pretie things of small value) ran incontinently toward his Lord: Who forth with sent mee his girdle, in token of assuraunce and friendship, which girdle was made of red leather, as well couered and coloured as was possible: and as I began to go towards him, hee set forth and came and receiued me gently, and reised after his maner all his men, following with great silence and modestie: yea more then our men did. And after we had a while with gentle vsage congratulated with him: we fell to the grounde a litle way from them, to call vpon the name of God, and to beseech him to cõtinue still his goodnesse towards vs, and bring to the knowledge of our sauiour Christ this poore people. While wee were thus praying (they sitting vpon the grounde, which was strawed and dressed with Bay bowes) behelde and hearkened vnto vs, very attentiuely without either speking or mouing: and as I made a signe vnto their king, lifting vp mine arme, and stretching foorth one finger, only to make them looke vp to heauen ward: He likewise lifting vp his arme towards heauen put foorth two fingers: whereby it seemed that he made vs to vnderstande, that they worshipped the Sunne and y͏ͤ moone for Gods: as afterwardes wee vnderstoode it so. In the meane time their numbers increased, & thither came the kings brother, that was first with vs, their mother, wiues, sisters and chil-dren,