Page:Divine Comedy (Longfellow 1867) v3.djvu/454

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Ezzelino or Azzolino. Inf. xii. no. Par. ix. 29.

Fabbro. Purg. xiv. 100. Fabii. Par. vi. 47. Fabricius. Purg. xx. 25. Faenza. Inf. xxvii. 49; xxxii. 123. Purg.. xiv. loi. Faith, St. Peter examines Dante on. Par. xxiv. Falterona. Purg. xiv. 17. Famagosta. Par. xix. 146. Fame, seekers of by noble enterprises. Par. v. Fano. Inf. xxviii. 76. Purg. v. 71. Fantoli, Ugolin de'. Purg. xiv. 121. Farfarello, demon. Inf. xxi. 123; xxii. 94. Farinata Marzucco. Purg. vi. 18. Farinata degli Uberti. Inf. vi. 79 ; x. 32- Felix Guzman. Par. xii. 79. Feltro. Inf. i. 105. Par. ix. 52. Ferrara. Par. xv. 137. Fieschi, Counts of Lavagno. Purg. xix. 100. Fiesole or Fesole. Inf. xv. 62. Par. vi. 53 ; XV. 126 ; xvi. 122. Figghine. Par. xvi. 50. Fillipeschi and Monaldi, families. Purg. vi. 107. Fishes, sign of the Zodiac. Inf. xi. 1 1 3. Purg. i. 21 ; xxxii. 54. Flatterers. Inf. xviii. Flemings. Inf. xv. 4.

Florence. Inf. x. 92 ; xiii. 143 ; xvi. 75 ; xxiii. 95 ; xxiv. 144; xxvi. I ; xxxii. 120, Purg. vi. 127; xii. 102; xiv. 64 ; XX. 75 ; xxiv. 79, Par. vi. 54 ; ix. 127 ; XV. 97 ; xvi. 25, 40, 84, III, 1 46, 1 49 ; xvii. 48 ; xxv. 5 ; xxix. 103 ; xxxi. 39.

Florentines. Inf. xv. 61; xvi. 73; xvii. 70. Purg. xiv. 50. Par. xvi. 86. Florentine women. Purg. xxiii. 94, 101. Flower-de-luce, arms of France. Purg. XX. 86. Focaccia, Cancellieri. Inf. xxxii. 63. Focara. Inf. xxviii. 89. Foraboschi, family. Par. xvi, 109. Forese Donati. Purg. xxiii. 48, 76 ; xxiv. 73. Forli. Inf. xvi. 99 ; xxvii. 43, Purg. xxiv. 32. Fortune. Inf. vii. 62. Fortuna Major. Purg, xix. 4. Fosco, Bernardin di. Purg. xiv. loi. France. Inf. xix. 87. Purg. vii. 109; XX. 51, 71. Par. XV. 120. Francesca da Rimini. Inf. v, 116. Francis of Accorso, Inf, xv. iio.

Francis of Assisi, St. Inf. xxvii, 112. Par. xi. 37, 50, 74 ; xiii. 33 ; xxii. 90 ; xxxii. 35.

Franciscans, Par, xii, 112. Franco Bolognese, Purg. xi. 83. Frati Godenti or Gaudenti, Jovial Friars. Inf. xxiii, 103, Frederick I,, Barbarossa. Purg. xviii. 119.

Frederick II., Emperor. Inf. x. 119 ; xiii. 59, 68 ; xxiii. 66. Purg. xvi. 1 17. Par, iii, 120.

Frederick Novello, Purg. vi. 17. Frederick Tignoso. Purg. xiv. 106. Frederick, King of Sicily. Purg. vii. 119, Par. xix. 130; xx. 63, Free will. Purg, xvi. 71 ; xviii, 74. French people. Inf. xxvii. 44 ; xxix. 123; xxxii, 115, Par. viii. 75.