Page:Divine Selection or The Survival of the Useful.djvu/39

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ture to discern back of all the central motive, the will of God, working at every point for the final good of human kind, and bringing forth and saving that in society which is capable of receiving, and will receive in most perfect form, the human essentials of His own nature.

It is concluded, therefore, that the survival of the fittest is truly a law, if by "fittest" is meant the useful. Survival of the fittest has its limitation, but the Survival of the Useful is a statement of universal law that is true and absolute. When we see the governing principle of cosmic processes working out this purpose, the Survival of the Useful, the moral motive is everywhere present and evident in cause and effect.

But, it may be said, there are the useless thistles and thorns, the vulture and the tiger. Yet this should not obscure the law. Thorns and thistles in