Page:DoD USS Liberty Inquiry Press Release 28 Jun 1967.djvu/20

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indicate by visual means that they wished to land a man on board. At one point, I considered granting the request, but considering the obstructions

in the area of the forecastle, signalled a wave—off to them. Lettering on the tail of the helic0pter was SA32K. On the fuselage were the numerals 06 or D6. At 1857, the helicopter dropped a message on the forecastle. The message was written on the back of a calling card, identified as Commander Ernest Carl Castle, Naval Attache f0r Air Embassy, USA. The message on the back read as follows: "Have you casualties? ” We attempted to advise them by flashing light with an Aldis lamp that, "affirmative, " we did have casualties. It was evident that they were unable to understand what we were saying. After some ten to fifteen minutes of unsuccessful efforts to communicate between the helic0pter and the ship, the helic0pter departed from the area, at a time unknown, but as dusk was approaching the ship.

Three musters were taken during the night to identify the dead, the seriously injured, and to determine those who were missing. As of 1900, 11 June, two of the persons previously reported missing, have been recovered, one by removing him directly from the space on board ship. The other was recovered by the PAPAGO, a Fleet tug steaming approximately six miles astern of the ship on the morning of 11 June. It is not knOWn at this time whether any of the other individuals reported missing have drifted free of the space thrOugh the torpedo hole and vanished from the area. It will not be possible to determine until the ship has been drydocked and the compartment dewatered and remains recovered. Preparation of casualty messages were completed as expeditiously as possible upon the c0mpletion of the musters, and necessary message noti-— fications sent.

The ship rende zvoused with the two destr0yers On the morning of 9 June. Commander De strOyer Squadron Twelve reported on board to inspect damage and confer with the Commanding Officer. Personnel from the USS DAVIS immediately boarded the ship to render assistance with damage control and treatment of injured pe rs Onnel.

Ihave no complaint to lodge against any officer 0r man on board USS LIBERTY for any acts of commission 0r omissiOn during the attack and post attack phase. I have nothing but the greatest admiration for their courage, their devotiOn to duty, and their efforts to save the ship. As the result of my perSOnal knowledge of the manner in which the following personnel performed their duties during the attack and post attack phase, I intend to commend Ensign Lucas; Signalman Davis; Quartermaster Third Brown; Lieutenant George Golden, Engineering Officer; and Ensign Scott, Damage Control As- sistant. I have requested the officers and the petty officers of the ship to advise me of any other individuals, who, to their personal knowledge, per- formed in such a manner as to warrant special recognition. I also intend to address a letter of appreciatiOn to Lieutenant Commander Bill Pettyjohn,

Chief Staff Officer, COMDESRON Twelve, for the outstanding manner in which