Page:DoD USS Liberty Inquiry Press Release 28 Jun 1967.djvu/25

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Commander William L. McGonagle, was recalled as a witness, reminded that he was still under oath and testified as follows:

DIRECT EXAMINATION Questions by Counsel.for the Courts ,

Q. Captain, did you bring with you today the gyro compass record for USS LIBERTY?

A. Yes sir, I did. Q. Is this it? A. Yes sir, itcis-

I request the recorder to mark this as exhibit number 26 and offer it into evidence as exhibit number 26d.

Q. Will you please read.pertinent extracts from.that.

A. The ship's gyro was last.inspected by the USS VULCAN qualified gyro in- spection and repair personnel on 30 March_1967.

Is that 30 March 1967 a timely inspectionih

A. Yes sir, it is. The required to be inspected whenever possible by tender or yard personnel specifically trained in this responsibility once each quarter" I would like to indicate that the log.shows that the error at the time of this inspection was .10 westerly,

Counsel for the Court: I have no further questions. Does any member of the Court desire to question the witness?

President: Captain, in our previous discussions, you told me a story which

I have since come to identify as remarkable humility and selfeffacement on your part which I presume has caused you not to testimony the way you navigated this ship out of dangerous waters after the attacka Will you please tell the Court how, while lying on your back, with no compass except the

magnetic compass, and based upon your recollection of your magnetic compass error in relation to the gyro compass book, you used the sun and subsequently the

North Star to clear the area.

A. Admiral, after a time on the bridge, when I had received minor injuries, I

lost considerable blood and attempts to stem the flow of blood by self~help

were unsuccessful, I noticed myself beginning to lose consciousness. I immediately lay down on the deck flat on my back on the port wing and raised the bleeding leg as high as possible, resting it on my port bridge chair, and there a first class communications technician by the name of Carpenter and other persons who I don't

[scall at this time, applied a tournaquet to my right leg which effectively