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and when the Bishop goes to sit down in it he finds it already occupied: he has no wish to sit upon the Dean's knees, and occupy his own Cathedral by sufferance, so he withdraws from it, and solaces himself for the loss of his own true home and ecclesiastical dignity, by the superior worldly dignity of a park and palace.

Do away with Deans by the simple expedient of uniting their office with that of the Bishop. As each Deanery becomes vacant let the Bishop of the Diocese become ipso facto Dean; let the Deanery become his residence, and let the surplus income thus arising (from the suppression of the Dean's income and the sale of the Bishop's palace) be given as endowment towards new bishoprics, until we have one Bishop for every county in England. And when the Cathedral is thus restored to its true use, the Chapter must become a Diocesan Chapter, instead of a mere Cathedral Chapter as hitherto: every beneficed clergyman of the Diocese should be a member of the Diocesan Chapter, and "the Bishop and Chapter" of the Diocese would then be a living reality.

With the patronage of the Bishop and that of the Dean and Chapter thrown into one, and exercised by "the Bishop and Chapter" of the Dio-