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The investigators were not able to readily search and analyze all event logs because at the time the system lacked substantial logging and search functions.

The investigators determined that in addition to the Justices, 82 employees had access to electronic or hard copies of the draft opinion.

On February 10, the draft opinion was sent via email to a distribution list consisting of law clerks and permanent personnel who work on opinions. The vote memos were also subsequently sent to this list. There were 70 unique, active users on the distribution list. On March 22, eight more permanent personnel received the draft opinion via email. The investigators also found that two additional permanent personnel accessed the draft opinion electronically by separate means. In sum, the investigators determined that 80 personnel received or had access to electronic copies of the draft opinion.

The draft majority opinion was also distributed in hard copy to some Chambers. The two Chambers personnel who were not on the email distribution list would have had access to the circulated hard copies and to any other copies that were printed in Chambers. Thirty-four personnel confirmed they printed out copies of the draft opinion and four were unsure; many printed out more than one copy. And, as noted in Section D below, in the course of their interviews, several personnel acknowledged that they did not